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Yes, i know how sus that title is, but it's basically the program that i'm running for any and all websites that want to participate.
To save you the trouble of going to some other random site, i've quoted it here, though remember that it was originally posted at another site
Originally Posted by byet.net
Hello everyone!
As many of you may already know, ByetHost is making it's own affiliate program that will allow everyone to get free advertising from any site on the internet just by putting a small ad, smaller than either Google’s adsense or byethost's own ads. It will also be image run by small 88px by 31px images, plus a incredibly small link, that will allow people to redirect to your site from other popular sites.
What we are wanting to do is to start this off by having a beta period. In the beta period anyone can participate by putting these small ads at anywhere inside their site and reporting back to us, by either PMing me or sending an email to beta@byetlink.com
Currently, only the sites that are in the Toplist that have images that are the right size are participating, but if anyone would like to participate, which i would encourage (because of the free advertising of course ), could you please provide your email address, website name and website address by either PMing me or sending an email to beta@byetlink.com If you have any other queries you can also access me by those access points.
Again i would like to encourage you to help with this to make it really popular.
Also, on a side note, anyone who starts to use this program in the beginning beta period will also be eligible to extra features when they come out without having to have the hassle of going through any process that will be needed to register your site or any other long and irritating thing.
You can pm me here if u want and i'll add u straight onto the list so that you can get instant ads, but only if u put it on ur site. We've got heaps of people so this will be really beneficial for your website.
Visit my site for a preview! eXtremePC!
The ads are located above the get Firefox affiliates ad.