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Спасибо за понимание
Хак для изменения PostBit с возможностью сворачивания и изменение порядка отображения информации
Тема на орге: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=290770
This add-on makes the text portion of postbits collapsable and allows the selection and arranging of what profile fields will be displayed in postbits.
Select which profile fields to display in postbits.
Select which standard vB fields to display in postbits.
Set the order that the fields will be displayed in.
Detects new profile fields and adds them to the postbit order display for selection.
Detects deleted profile fields and removes them from the postbit order display.
Does not add any database queries to the vB frontend.
Adds Local Date and Local Time options to the available fields.
Detects and adds Photopost Gallery option to the available fields.
Does not affect mods that add to the proper postbit hooks, but those items can not have their order changed.
Support for other mods to add their postbits to this add-on so the order they are displayed in can be changed.
After editing a post or posting a quick reply, the entire postbit for that post is shown to the member that edited/posted the post.
NOTE: This add-on contains the Local Date/Time code by the late Rob Hindal (Boofo). If a large number of people think this should be removed from this mod I will remove it.
This add-on will not work with any mod that forces the use of the standard vB postbit_legacy template, or with any mod that requires manual editing of the postbit templates.
Known Mods that do this:
[DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks Like v3.0.3 [Lite] (Due to double Blog This Post link)
Info box on Postbit (may work with edits to that mod)
Country Flags - Postbit & Postbit_Legacy. vB 4.0.x (Inc GO : (Due to manual edits)