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Спасибо за понимание
This is a patched version of YUI 2.9.0 uploader.swf as used by vBulletin 4.x for managing multiple file uploads.
An exploit was found in the flash uploader (uploader.swf) file supplied with vBulletin 4.x. This file is part of the Yahoo YUI 2 Library which is end of life and Yahoo have stated that they will not be fixing it. Yahoo recommends that the file is removed as the flash uploader has been deprecated.
vBulletin's recommended fix is to replace the file with an empty file of the same name. If you do this, however, and rely solely on the Ajax uploader you will not be able to select multiple files without further modifications.
This modification is a recompiled version of uploader.swf with the above exploit fixed. An additional potential exploit has also been fixed by disabling a parameter not used by vBulletin.
The YUI source used is provided freely by Yahoo to whom I give full credit.
1) Installation
a) Extract uploader.swf from the .zip file and replace your existing file here:
The parameter 'allowedDomain' has been sanitised with a REGEX to prevent malicious javascript being passed in a query string.
11th January 2014 v2
Many thanks to FranzBanz (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member/449383-franzbanz) for his suggestions
finding another exploit (using another parameter). Exploit fixed by setting the parameter (not used by vBulletin) to null.
'-' Character added to allowed characters in allowedDomain
Non-Flash Alternative
Please note that if you would rather avoid using flash altogether an alternative Mod has been released by BirdOPrey5, although there are some compromises/limitations with IE10+.
Asset Manager / Image Upload Fix to upload multiple files like the Flash uploader
I am not a flash developer, I am just another vBulletin customer trying to keep his members happy!
This file is provided free of charge for the benefit of the vBulletin community. You use it at your own risk!