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for English speaking users:
You may be surprised with restriction of access to the attachments of the forum. The reason is the recent change in vbsupport.org strategy:

- users with reputation < 10 belong to "simple_users" users' group
- if your reputation > 10 then administrator (kerk, Luvilla) can decide to move you into an "improved" group, but only manually

Main idea is to increase motivation of community members to share their ideas and willingness to support to each other. You may write an article for the subject where you are good enough, you may answer questions, you may share vbulletin.com/org content with vbsupport.org users, receiving "thanks" equal your reputation points. We should not only consume, we should produce something.

- you may:
* increase your reputation (doing something useful for another members of community) and being improved
* purchase temporary access to the improved category:
10 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter.
20 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter + adds eliminated + Inbox capacity increased + files manager increased permissions.

Please contact kerk or Luvilla regarding payments.

- if your reputation will become less then 0, you will be moved into "simple_users" users' group automatically.*
*for temporary groups (pre-paid for 3 months) reputation/posts do not matter.
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Liked's Avatar
Default vBulletin Suite 4.2.2 - Alpha 1 [ NULLED G3 | DNU & MC KEY]

The current 4.2.2 alpha 1 build has now been released as a public alpha.

All vB4 & vB5 licence holders should have access to download it in the members area.
The primary focus of 4.2.2 is php 5.4 compliance, however, a few other items/issues are included as well.

You are advised not to use this for production sites, as the build still has php 5.4 related errors.
Generally speaking however, these errors will not cause you any issues other than displaying warnings on the page.

Please run this version on a test set-up, using php 5.4, and log (in Jira) any other (5.4) related errors that you come across.

Changes from 4.2.1 in the current R7 build are as follows ;

VBIV-15428 Fixing typos in phrases.
VBIV-15443 Fixed the folder name and the constant value to have consistent values.
VBIV-15763 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15783 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15765 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15782 Possible Exploit - can create admin account via install.php and/or upgrade.php
VBIV-15646 Use preg_replace_callback() instead of preg_replace() modifier /e
VBIV-15600 PHP 5.5 Support : MySQL
VBIV-15779 Move MAPI v8 changes to MAPI v7, and remove v8 completely
VBIV-15680 Indefinite loop on moving posts
VBIV-15684 There is a newer version of vBulletin available to download - no longer links correctly
VBIV-15669 Fixed the typo in the language phrase.
VBIV-15768 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15767 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15766 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15762 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15761 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15760 Changes for PHP 5.4 strict standards compliance
VBIV-15780 PHP5.4: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
VBIV-15777 PHP strict errors not displayed if debug mode is not enabled
VBIV-15759 Moved up the construct of the profile fields, so they will be returned when coppa is enabled
VBIV-15751 Moved fix to MAPI v8.
VBIV-15751 Added "birthday" as a profile field in the response, to mirror vb5 response.
VBIV-15753 Added unhtmlspecialchars on forum title
VBIV-15615 Publish to Facebook no longer working
VBIV-15362 member_activity_start & member_activity_complete do not exist in hooks location dropdown
VBIV-15694 Facebook July 10 Breaking Changes
VBIV-15759 Moved up the construct of the profile fields, so they will be returned in the response when coppa is enabled.
VBIV-15751 Reverted the changes in api/7 folder and added the changes in the correct api/8 folder.
VBIV-15751 Added "birthday" as a profile field in the response, to mirror vb5 response.
VBIV-15753 Added unhtmlspecialchars on forum title
VBIV-15724 Added 'maxtags' to the response, which is the max tags allowed to the thread starter.
VBIV-15716 Added error message to be returned when user is successfully registered and it is a coppa user. API only.
VBIV-15734 Added param which enables phrases to be loaded and with that title and description are properly filled in the response
VBIV-15725 Added blogbit_type : blogbit_ignore to the response for the blog entries from ignored users.
VBIV-15711 echo 1; echo 2 in /private.php
VBIV-15669 Added compatibility option for versions greater than PHP 5.3
VBIV-15642 Check if ['name'] exists
VBIV-15666 Added params to match methods signatures for PHP 5.4
VBIV-15665 Added params to match methods signatures for PHP 5.4
VBIV-15664 Added params to match method signature for PHP 5.4
VBIV-15663 Removed the & from '=& new'
VBIV-15662 Added param to match method signature due to PHP 5.4 Strict Standards
VBIV-15661 Added param to match method signature due to PHP 5.4 Strict Standards
VBIV-15660 vB_SignatureParser:: parse method signature fixed
VBIV-15659 Changed vB_SGSearchGenerator:: prepare_search_text to static due to Strict Standards
VBIV-15658 Added parameters to block_is_enabled() in vB_ProfileBlock_Infractions and vB_ProfileBlock_ActivityStream classes
VBIV-15657 Added parameters for method signature compliance due to Strict Standards
VBIV-15496 Cannot edit forum posts when some symbols are used
VBIV-15577 [PHP 5.4] Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' /includes/adminfunctions_template.php on line 1936
VBIV-14794 Creating JPG-Thumbnails fail with PHP 5.4
VBIV-14784 Alias function mysqli_client_encoding for mysqli_character_set_name removed as of PHP 5.4.0
VBIV-15307 PHP Warning from postbit
VBIV-15233 PHP 5.4.3 ERROR: Strict standards: Static function vB_Route::getURL() should not be abstract
VBIV-15322 Non-static method vB_QueueMail::fetch_instance() should not be called statically
VBIV-15149 Upgrade system throws error: cannon modify header information
VBIV-15618 Last set of warnings preventing install, the installer should work fine now with PHP 5.4 and Strict Standards
VBIV-15618 PHP 5.4 Strict Standards preventing install
VBIV-15618 PHP 5.4 Strict Standards preventing install
VBIV-15617 PHP Strict Standards vB_Bitfield_Builder class
VBIV-15616 Non-static method vB_Bitfield_Builder::init() and vB_Bitfield_Builder::build() should not be called statically
VBIV-15614 Declaration of vB_Database_Alter_MySQL::query() should be compatible with vB_Database_Alter::query()
VBIV-15613 Declaration of vB_Database_Alter_MySQL::drop_field() should be compatible with vB_Database_Alter::drop_field()
VBIV-15612 Declaration of vB_Database_Alter_MySQL::add_field() should be compatible with vB_Database_Alter::add_field()
VBIV-15611 Declaration of vB_Database_Alter_MySQL::add_index() should be compatible with vB_Database_Alter::add_index()
VBIV-15610 Declaration of vB_Database_Alter_MySQL::drop_index() should be compatible with vB_Database_Alter::drop_index()
VBIV-15609 Non-static method vB_Shutdown::instance() should not be called statically
VBIV-15408 Product Export - Navigation
VBIV-14509 Added logic to match the behaviour described in the jira.
VBIV-15795 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15787 Modifying the function definition.
VBIV-15794 Updating credits.
VBIV-15793 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15792 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15787 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15791 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15790 Fixing php5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15428 Fixing typos in phrases.
VBIV-15443 Fixed the folder name and the constant value to have consistent values.
VBIV-15747 Paypal : Removed non curl backup code.
VBIV-15799 Fixing illegal offset warning.
VBIV-15798 Changes for php 5.4 compliance errors.
VBIV-15787 Fixing additional getHash function definitions.
VBIV-15747 Made necessary changes to the paypal headers.
VBIV-15731 Added space in the template code.

R7 ;
VBIV-15811 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15806 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15805 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15803 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15802 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15801 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15800 Fixing php 5.4 complience errors.
VBIV-15799 Additional illegal offset warnings fixing.

VBIV-15824 Can't view a thread in forumrunner on vB4 / PHP 5.4
VBIV-15823 Strict standard error on ForumRunner
VBIV-15822 Strict standard with customized profiles
VBIV-15820 CMS strict standard and illegal string offset issues
VBIV-15794 Credits update for 4.2.2
VBIV-15819 Strict standard issues with the Calendar widget in the CMS
VBIV-15821 Replaced the check for install.php with a check for the install folder.
VBIV-15809 Replacing depricated modifier '/e' of preg_replace with preg_replace_callback.
VBIV-15443 Fixed another instance of different folder name and constant values.
VBIV-15731 Added space in template 'bbcode_php'
VBIV-15815 Restored the hard coded call to the parent.
VBIV-15810 Illegal string offsets in admincp/attachment.php
VBIV-15747 Updates to paypal code for HTTP1.1.

Beta 1, R1;
VBIV-15830 Posted CMS comments are not displayed (regression)
VBIV-15828 PHP 5.4, CLI Installer Errors
VBIV-15826 Strict standard on edit forum permissions
VBIV-15825 Strict Standards in cms articles with comments
VBIV-15799 Fixing additional offset warnings.
VBIV-15784 Panjo Integration
VBIV-15794 Credits update for 4.2.2
VBIV-15809 php 5.5 error on new install (Fix Hexdecode & Typo)

VBIV-15784 Panjo Integration (Issues 2 & 3).
VBIV-15831 Strict standard on API data returns
VBIV-15687 IE9 Meta Tag to VB 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. headinclude template - fails with Forum Runner enabled

VBIV-15784 Panjo Integration 4.2.2 (Fix template issue).
VBIV-15835 Strict standards in CMS comments
VBIV-15833 Warning: Non-static method when changing CMS Section Display Orders.

Version: vBulletin Suite 4.2.2 - Alpha 1
Language: English
Ext: PHP
Crack: Nulled. . . Removed customer verifications on install and upgrade process.
DNU: Tools.php KEY: VBWAREZ95B56

vBulletin Suite 4.2.2 - Alpha 1 (10.41 Мб)
Yandex Bot Yandex Bot is online now
Join Date: 05.05.2005
Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)

ага... вот и нуль, альфы
а в мемберке уже доступна Beta 1
вот так всю жизнь: только соберусь поставить потестить свеженькую версию 4ки, а она уже и не свеженькая вовсе...
На доске почёта
а иди ка ты, рагуль, на цензор.нет
banned nax

Сейчас у них Beta 1, R3.

А каковы перспективы этого изделия?

Есть ли смысл переходить на 4.2.2, когда она станет рабочей?
С какими проблемами можно столнуться и как их решать?

Originally Posted by IgorGabrielan View Post
С какими проблемами можно столнуться и как их решать?
хороший вопрос..
сейчас получим достоверный ответ

ikopylov's Avatar

Originally Posted by Luvilla View Post
хороший вопрос..
сейчас получим достоверный ответ
1 Отвалятся все хаки
2 Отвалится часть хаков
3 Не будет работать навбар
4 Редактор перестанет работать во всех старых хаках
5 Перестанет работать на предыдущих версиях PHP
6 Будет работать только PHP 5.4
7 Мой вариант 1
8 Мой вариант 2
9 Мой вариант 3
artscripts's Avatar

а смысл нулить бетки и альфы, я бы и ставить их не советовал, дождитесь релиза уже потом видно будет.

Originally Posted by artscripts View Post
а смысл нулить бетки и альфы, я бы и ставить их не советовал
а поиграться? тебе, четвёрошнику, не интересно посмотреть? и потом... говорят, у тебя-то как раз и была проблема с пхп
ну вот, тебе и альфу в руки
ikopylov's Avatar

А реально, поставить надо, попробовать
но только на тестовом
интерес представляет: что отвалится и не будет работать
artscripts's Avatar

Originally Posted by Luvilla View Post
ну вот, тебе и альфу в руки
Играться надо с продуктом, а не с его альфа версиями)
ikopylov's Avatar

Originally Posted by artscripts View Post
Играться надо с продуктом, а не с его альфа версиями)
Похоже это будет "переломная" версия, а-ля 4.1.3/4.2.0
На живое ставить ее конечно же нельзя
А вот понимать, что ждет? вот это интересно

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