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На форуме введена премодерация ВСЕХ новых пользователей

Почта с временных сервисов, типа mailinator.com, gawab.com и/или прочих, которые предоставляют временный почтовый ящик без регистрации и/или почтовый ящик для рассылки спама, отслеживается и блокируется, а так же заносится в спам-блок форума, аккаунты удаляются
for English speaking users:
You may be surprised with restriction of access to the attachments of the forum. The reason is the recent change in vbsupport.org strategy:

- users with reputation < 10 belong to "simple_users" users' group
- if your reputation > 10 then administrator (kerk, Luvilla) can decide to move you into an "improved" group, but only manually

Main idea is to increase motivation of community members to share their ideas and willingness to support to each other. You may write an article for the subject where you are good enough, you may answer questions, you may share vbulletin.com/org content with vbsupport.org users, receiving "thanks" equal your reputation points. We should not only consume, we should produce something.

- you may:
* increase your reputation (doing something useful for another members of community) and being improved
* purchase temporary access to the improved category:
10 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter.
20 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter + adds eliminated + Inbox capacity increased + files manager increased permissions.

Please contact kerk or Luvilla regarding payments.

- if your reputation will become less then 0, you will be moved into "simple_users" users' group automatically.*
*for temporary groups (pre-paid for 3 months) reputation/posts do not matter.
Уважаемые пользователи!

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Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота.
Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
ikopylov's Avatar
Default Доступность новой версии vBulletin: 4.2.0 Patch Level 3

В связи с дыркой в в Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Выпущено обновление PL3

vBulletin 4 Security Patch for Potential Yahoo! User Interface Library Exploit - 11/01/2012

A recent Yahoo! report indicated a potential SWF exploit vector involving the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). Upon review, the vBulletin team has determined that the vBulletin 4 Asset Manager is affected. Once the issue was identified, updated YUI files were requested from Yahoo! to eliminate the reported threat.

This issue affects ALL vBulletin 4 SUITE and FORUM versions. vBulletin 3 and vBulletin 5 are not affected.

Security patches have been released for vBulletin 4.1.12 and vBulletin 4.2.

vBulletin 4 Customers Running 4.1.12 or 4.2:
Please install the patch immediately.

Download the patch for the version of vBulletin you're currently running from https://members.vbulletin.com/patches.php.
Extract the vBulletin patch files from the zip file.
Upload the patch files to your server, overwriting the old files.

The upgrade.php script does not need to be run.

vBulletin 4 Customers Not Running 4.1.12 or 4.2:
Please upgrade to vBulletin 4.1.12 PL3 or vBulletin 4.2 PL3. If you do not wish to upgrade at this time, the potential exploit can be addressed by updating Server Settings and Optimization Options using the following steps:

Log into your Admin CP.
Expand the "Settings" menu in the leftnav.
Click on the "Options" link.
Select "Server Settings and Optimization Options" from the list and click the "Edit Settings" button.
Make sure "Yahoo!" is selected in the "Use Remote YUI" section.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the "Save" button.

This change will set your forum to use the latest YUI file hosted by Yahoo!. The potential exploit vector will be closed once you've performed this change. It is strongly recommended that you do so immediately.

As with all security-based releases, we recommend that all affected customers upgrade as soon as possible.

Advanced Users:
Files updated in vBulletin 4.1.12 PL3 and 4.2 PL3.


Please note that this list does not contain the files changed in any previous patches for these versions. Only the files changed in vBulletin 4.1.12 PL3 and 4.2 PL3 are listed.

Yahoo!'s announcement regarding the potential YUI exploit can be found - HERE

Licensed customers can discuss the security patch - HERE

Instructions on how to patch your vBulletin 4.1.12 or 4.2 site can be found - HERE

Last edited by ikopylov : 11-14-2012 at 11:09 AM.
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Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)
ikopylov's Avatar

Обновите с 4.2 PL2 до 4.2 PL3

Для других версий я не знаю будет работать или нет

Правильно ли я понимаю.
Нужно в папку clienstcript/yui/uploader/assets залить uploader.swf из архива, а затем перейти http://форум/clienstcript/yui/upload...s/uploader.swf
ikopylov's Avatar

Originally Posted by Lukamal View Post
Правильно ли я понимаю.
Нужно в папку clienstcript/yui/uploader/assets залить uploader.swf из архива,
Да правильно

Обновите с 4.2 PL2 до 4.2 PL3
А NULL кто выложит PL3?
Потому как в админке всеравно пишет PL2

Открой файл includes/version_vbulletin.php, врчную исправь 4.2.0 Patch Level 8
На доске почёта
Пожизненный блэк
banned nax

Arnowt, Нуль есть в файловом архиве форума.

В архиве PL2 или я чего-то не вижу...
А точно только на 1 файл отличается?

я извиняюсь. вчера поставил и настроил vBulletin 4.1.2
но почитав ваш форум понял, что лучше 4.2.0

Как мне обновиться на эту версию???

xeon, как обычно. Думаете вы первый кто задаёт вопрос "как обновить форум?"?!

pl3? патч, обновление

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