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Спасибо за понимание
This mod is a time saver for big forums Admins and Moderators, this mod will place two buttons one for quick soft delete and the 2nd for quick physical delete.
This mod was tested on vBulletin 3.7.3 and 3.7.2 and *should* work on 3.6.x and 3.5.x
Install time: less than 1 minute
Difficulty: easy (1 product)
List of features:
Inhert the permissions from vbulletin usergroup permissions.
A conformation popup message will apper for physical deletion.
If the thread contain only 1 post it will auto delete the thread.
when an Admin/Moderators soft delete a post an auto messeage will apper( This message has been deleted by XXXX) where XXXX will be the username of the admin or modrator who deleted the post.
Auto Reload Page after deletion ( you can enable/disable it)
How to install?
Click Mark as installed and Nominate for Modification of the Month.
Upload files to your server.
Import product.
The 1st button is for soft delete and the button is for physical delete
How to Support this Mod?
Mark as installed
Please Give us your feedback and ideas for more features
Nominate for Modification of the Month.
Donate via paypal (email: fahad.n3ma@yahoo.com)
To Do list:
The mod will auto refresh the page after the post is deleted
Change log:
v 1.0.0 released on 22 of September 2008
- First release.
V 1.0.1 released on 23 of September 2008
- Fixed some bugs
- added auto reload feature
V 1.0.2 released on 29 of September 2008
- Fixed miner bugs
- auto reload feature is enabled as default
Last edited by AntiPiton : 10-15-2012 at 01:47 PM.
Когда удаляешь пост, страница вроде бы обновляется, но удаленный пост отображается в прежнем виде. Где я мог допустить ошибку? Что с версией 1.0.0 что с версией 1.0.2.