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Почта с временных сервисов, типа mailinator.com, gawab.com и/или прочих, которые предоставляют временный почтовый ящик без регистрации и/или почтовый ящик для рассылки спама, отслеживается и блокируется, а так же заносится в спам-блок форума, аккаунты удаляются
for English speaking users:
You may be surprised with restriction of access to the attachments of the forum. The reason is the recent change in vbsupport.org strategy:

- users with reputation < 10 belong to "simple_users" users' group
- if your reputation > 10 then administrator (kerk, Luvilla) can decide to move you into an "improved" group, but only manually

Main idea is to increase motivation of community members to share their ideas and willingness to support to each other. You may write an article for the subject where you are good enough, you may answer questions, you may share vbulletin.com/org content with vbsupport.org users, receiving "thanks" equal your reputation points. We should not only consume, we should produce something.

- you may:
* increase your reputation (doing something useful for another members of community) and being improved
* purchase temporary access to the improved category:
10 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter.
20 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter + adds eliminated + Inbox capacity increased + files manager increased permissions.

Please contact kerk or Luvilla regarding payments.

- if your reputation will become less then 0, you will be moved into "simple_users" users' group automatically.*
*for temporary groups (pre-paid for 3 months) reputation/posts do not matter.
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Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота.
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Спасибо за понимание
Вектор's Avatar
Exclamation Взломаны зарубежные сайты по vBulletin

Буквально 26-27 июня были взломаны форумы тематики vBulletin:

vbteam.info - версия булки 3.8.7

За ним подвергся атаке форум forumscriptz.org - версия булки 3.8.7
ForumScriptz Members, Supporters, Haters and others,

As you may have noticed earlier today, the 26th of June 2012, vBTEAM(.info) was hacked. Around 10.30AM UTC-7 (6.30PM / GMT+1) ForumScriptz was subject to a similar hack, however we were able to stop the intruders before they were able to download any files or our database. Our files and database remain safe, nothing was downloaded by the hackers due to our fast action.

It is clear to us that at least one vector in vBulletin, or the plugins we use, are exploitable. vBTEAM(.info) as well as vBMods(.info) have both been hacked, and we believe the same method was being used to attempt to hack us. We also believe that the exploit is purely useable on vBulletin 3.8.x forums, which all 3 sites were running. However due to the complications that would arise if we upgraded to vBulletin 4.x, upgrading is not currently a viable solution.

We will not re-open the site until we are confident that we have secured the site to the best of our ability.
И форум vbmods.info - версия булки 4.1.5 (тут пока еще можно увидеть танец котэ)

Только что последовала дополнительная информация от администрации forumscriptz:
One of our followers informed us that vBMods.info, one of the sites involved yesterday, was running vBulletin v4.1.5. This means that our original thoughts that the exploit only affected v3.8.x are invalid. vBTEAM have control of their server again, however the site is not restored at this point.
The hackers claim that the exploit affects both legal and nulled installations, which is unsuprising as the only difference between the 2 are callbacks and licensing. We think that vBSEO may be the cause, however that is just our initial thoughts.

Last edited by Вектор : 06-28-2012 at 01:42 AM. Reason: котэээ
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Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)
kerk's Avatar

UPDATE: 27/07/12 - 1.30PM UTC -7 (27/07/12 - 21.30PM GMT +1)
One of our followers informed us that vBMods.info, one of the sites involved yesterday, was running vBulletin v4.1.5. This means that our original thoughts that the exploit only affected v3.8.x are invalid. vBTEAM have control of their server again, however the site is not restored at this point.
The hackers claim that the exploit affects both legal and nulled installations, which is unsuprising as the only difference between the 2 are callbacks and licensing. We think that vBSEO may be the cause, however that is just our initial thoughts.

Front-End Developer
Sven's Avatar

artscripts's Avatar

kerk, непроверенно, "мы считаем"не чем не подкреплено, надо ждать пока ктонить не докопается до истины((
kerk's Avatar

я и не утверждал, что именно вбсео - причина
выделил крррасным потому, что терпеть не могу этот хак и некоторых клиентов постоянно "имели" через него, пока не снесли нахрен и забыли как страшный сон
artscripts's Avatar

kerk, ну это понятно, просто интересна причина этих взломов.
kerk's Avatar

если захотят, отпишут где дыра

Удивительно, недели полторы назад заходил на вбтим и призадумался над новым дизайном и установленным вбсео, так долго стоит эта хрень у них, а до сих пор никто не хакнул. Сглазил )
xorex's Avatar

А вас не смущает то что все эти проекты начинали одни и те же люди, но потом некоторые из них начали свои ?, по моему именно в этом случае, кто то уходя просто не закрыл дверь ...

к тому же сломали и четверку, в которой свой сео и по сути не нуждается в отдельном хаке vBseo.

думаю если бы дыра была именно в сео, сломали бы что то поинтереснее, vBseo.com например

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