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Почта с временных сервисов, типа mailinator.com, gawab.com и/или прочих, которые предоставляют временный почтовый ящик без регистрации и/или почтовый ящик для рассылки спама, отслеживается и блокируется, а так же заносится в спам-блок форума, аккаунты удаляются
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Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
кактусы все приготовили????
vBulletin 4.1.12 is NOW AVAILABLE for download. The feedback thread for the 4.1.12 release is HERE for our licensed customers.
vBulletin 4.1.12 is a maintenance release focused on improving performance and stablity. In addition, a no-cost solution for mobile smartphone applications has been added to vBulletin 4 Suite and Forum through our integration with Forum Runner, a leading mobile forum solutions provider. Updates to http://members.vbulletin.com allow you to easily manage your Forum Runner product directly from your vBulletin.com Members Area. Оффтоп
The release contains:
8 user created hook requests, improvement requests, and feature requests.
28 issue fixes related to the CMS.
19 issue fixes with a severity of Major or higher.
14 issue fixes for MAPI and Mobile Style.
9 issue fixes related to Styling and stylevars.
11 issue fixes related to performance and code optimization.
Of particular note:
A seamless integration with Forum Runner.
VBIV-14056 - Serve jQuery from Google CDN in vBulletin 4 MS
VBIV-14471 - Unable to Configure Widgets: Configuration Popup Doesn't Load
VBIV-14443 - Customized CMS and Blog Stylevars Reset in Upgrade
VBIV-14304 - Can't post comments on Articles using the mobile app.
VBIV-14214 - CKeditor initial lag and lost characters
VBIV-13899 - Fatal error when using Preview Changes while editing a post with attachments
VBIV-5766 - Too Much Memory Used To Generate online.php
VBIV-14642 - Can't see self in Who's Online page if set to invisible
VBIV-14614 - Incorrect Who's Online pagination when showing only guests
VBIV-14622 - Wrong avatar images and links in recent activity widget
VBIV-14610 - Startup error while upgrading to a patch level version - includes/md5_sums_vbulletin.php version mismatch
VBIV-14599 - Update some more areas to use vbeach instead of bit templates
Additional Changes since the 4.1.12 BETA 2 Release:
VBIV-14642 - Can't see self in Who's Online page if set to invisible
vBulletin 4.1.12 contains a total of 100 bug fixes, hook requests, improvement requests, and feature requests. A full list of these changes can be found - HERE.
Read Paul's blog post on the changes in 4.1.12 - HERE.
An updated version of 4.1.12 has been released with fixes for:
VBIV-14656 - CMS comments layout - overlap with quoted text
VBIV-14659 - Missing table prefix in a query in online.php
These issues should not have been missed in testing. Steps have been taken to improve our QA process.
If you have already upgraded to 4.1.12, you will need to run the upgrade script again in order to install the updated 4.1.12 build.
An updated version of 4.1.12 has been released with fixes for:
VBIV-14656 - CMS comments layout - overlap with quoted text
VBIV-14659 - Missing table prefix in a query in online.php
These issues should not have been missed in testing. Steps have been taken to improve our QA process.
If you have already upgraded to 4.1.12, you will need to run the upgrade script again in order to install the updated 4.1.12 build.