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I will help to remove the headers in some files if you want
Join Date: Nov 2005
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I will help to remove the headers in some files if you want
Thank you.. I'm looking for the modified vB 3.5.4 . I think you've null from SCRiPTMAFiA.
CAn please you attach the refined vB ?
btw. I'm looking up to make this a new project. A lot of people can be benefited from this.. So you geeks please comeon...
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 68
Версия vB: 3.7.2
Опытный 28
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Originally Posted by codeX
Thank you.. I'm looking for the modified vB 3.5.4 . I think you've null from SCRiPTMAFiA.
What do you mean?
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 160
Версия vB: 3.7.2
Knowing 226
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Sounds like a massive job to try to hide the fact its a vbulletin forum. Its pretty easy to tell if you are on a IPB or VB or PHPBB forum, each has its different ways of handling things. It would be easy to spot a vbulletin with the headers stripped off and the rest, just by the ajax features, and the style of posting, PM handling etc...it will take massive template work to hide these facts.
Better off using a legit looking 3.5.4 scriptmafia null with the fake download date/serial number. I use it and no-one suspects jack shit. Unless someone from the scene finds my website, i will never get caught, i hope.
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 65
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Better off using a legit looking 3.5.4 scriptmafia null with the fake download date/serial number
True it's a perfect null enough to fool all those hosters.
But when my page is a bit popular with a few hundred members & a few 1000's of Google index's it's a different story. Each of the page On analysis i found around 720 'vbulletin' & 600 'Jelsoft' keywords in my forum.
So i think the dreaded mail from Jelsoft or Piratereports is not far away.
I'm really thinking of buying vB. But i don't have a credit card or enough paypal money to bribe keir.
It would be easy to spot a vbulletin with the headers stripped off and the rest, just by the ajax features, and the style of posting, PM handling etc
I'm not taking about reworking the entire vB features. It'll be rally a massive work. Only think i need is the removal of keywords 'vbulletin' & 'jelsoft' from the forum so that i can avoid search engine based attacks.
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 68
Версия vB: 3.7.2
Опытный 28
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i already ave done that to my forums :P
If you search my forums in google you can;t vind vbulletin, jellsoft or vbcode