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Block PHP, CODE, HTML and QUOTES from Guests
What does this product do?
This is a long-overdue update of my block code hack for vB3.0, now as a product, with no file or template edits. This will block all php, code and html code from all unregistered users. Any code between those tags will be replaced will a line telling them they are not allowed to view the code and to please register. (You can change the messages to whatever you like.) Included is also an option for the QUOTE boxes. I don't use the QUOTE boxes bypass on my board, but I have the option ready in case someone decides to quote code, php or html code to try and bypass this hack. Anything between the code, php or html tags will be parsed out, even quote tags, as long as it is between one of the other tags within the quote itself. If someone just puts QUOTE tags around the code itself, then it will show as normal (unless you enable the quote option). It works in the archive, as well as the showpost and printable post. This product should work on prior versions of vB as the hooks that are used are common hooks. It also has the ability to copy the contents of the boxes to the clipboard. This works fine is IE and Opera. To enable the javascript Copy to Clipboard in Firefox or Mozilla, please read below:
"By default these javascript Copy to Clipboard buttons work perfectly on Internet Explorer and Opera browser. If Firefox or Mozilla is used, it is possible to select text and press Ctrl+C (or choose Copy from Edit menu). To enable these javascript Copy to Clipboard buttons in Firefox or Mozilla follow the guide."
Installation overview:
Templates to edit: 0
Products to Install: (1)
Installation Instructions:
1. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_bbcode.xml file on your computer
2. Go to your Admin CP
Go to your Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> Boofo's Enhanced BBCode for Guests and set the following option:
Disable QUOTES for Guests -> Do you want to disable the viewing of quotes in messages for guests?
NOTE: The default setting is NO, which enables the viewing of QUOTES to guests.