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Почта с временных сервисов, типа mailinator.com, gawab.com и/или прочих, которые предоставляют временный почтовый ящик без регистрации и/или почтовый ящик для рассылки спама, отслеживается и блокируется, а так же заносится в спам-блок форума, аккаунты удаляются
Если вы хотите приобрести какой то скрипт/продукт/хак из каталогов перечисленных ниже: Каталог модулей/хаков
Ещё раз обращаем Ваше внимание: всё, что Вы скачиваете и устанавливаете на свой форум, Вы устанавливаете исключительно на свой страх и риск.
Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
I cannot connect to the PhotoPost MySQL server. [host:$host][mysql_user:$mysql_user][mysql_password:$mysql_password]. Check your config-inc.php for the correct settings and rerun.
в этой инструкции не совсем понятно насчет БД к фотопост, ее нужно самому создавать, если да то как?
"мало" тут тем про ФотоПост, так надо ещё наплодить...
При запуске /vbgallery_install.php. должна пройти полная инсталляция, включая создание таблиц
тебе ж пишут: "Check your config-inc.php for the correct settings"
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 176
Версия vB: 3.7.3
Novice 2
Репутация в разделе: 1
При запуске /vbgallery_install.php. должна пройти полная инсталляция, включая создание таблиц
тебе ж пишут: "Check your config-inc.php for the correct settings"
это уже PhotoPost.Pro, а не PhotoPost vBGallery - разные вещи!
Раз с тем не помогли, приходиться искать новую галерею!
INFLICTED добавил 31.05.2011 в 02:40 Luvilla
При запуске /vbgallery_install.php. должна пройти полная инсталляция, включая создание таблиц
тебе ж пишут: "Check your config-inc.php for the correct settings"
это уже PhotoPost.Pro, а не PhotoPost vBGallery - разные вещи!
Раз с тем не помогли, приходиться искать новую галерею!
Проблему решил используя базу форума, но вылезли новые
PHP Code:
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_categories (id,catname,description,catorder,thumbs,parent,children) VALUES (1,'Main','',2,'no',0,'2')]
Result: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_categories (id,catname,description,catorder,thumbs,parent,children) VALUES (2,'A Category','Photos of a particular subject',1,'yes',1,'')]
Result: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_categories (id,catname,description,catorder,thumbs,parent,children) VALUES (500,'Member Galleries','Individual user galleries - any photo category',1,'yes',0,'')]
Result: Duplicate entry '500' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (1,'Title for your PhotoPost Application','galleryname','','My Photo Gallery',1,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (2,'Web site name','webname','','My Website',2,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (3,'Your Website URL (include http://)','domain','','http://www.domain.com',3,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '3' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (4,'Administrator Email Address','adminemail','','admin@domain.com',4,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (5,'URL to PhotoPost data directory','datadir','This is the web / virtual path to the data directory.','http://www.domain.com/photopost/data',5,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (6,'Full SERVER PATH to PhotoPost data directory','datafull','Full path to the image files directory.','/path/to/your/photopost/data',6,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (7,'URL to your forums main directory','vbulletin','This is the URL path to your forum installation.','http://www.domain.com/forum',1,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (8,'Full path to Header Include file','header','To include an HTML file as the header, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/header.htm',8,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '8' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (9,'Full path to the Footer include file','footer','To include an HTML file as the footer, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/footer.htm',9,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '9' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (10,'Full path to HTML file containing head tags','headtags','','/path/to/php/headtags.htm',10,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (11,'URL to PhotoPost PHP directory','maindir','','http://www.domain.com/photopost',11,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '11' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (13,'Default number of comments per page','defaultposts','','15',1,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '13' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (14,'Show Most Recent Additions on Index page?','mostrecent','','yes',4,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '14' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (15,'Number of columns for thumbnail pages','thumbcols','','4',1,4)]
Result: Duplicate entry '15' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (18,'Thumbnail image max width and height in pixels','previewwidth','','100',1,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '18' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (19,'Max allowable image width in pixels','maxwidth','','2500',2,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '19' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (20,'Max allowable image height in pixels','maxheight','','2500',3,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '20' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (21,'Trigger medium graphic height and width','biggraphic','An uploaded larger than this will create a medium image of this size.','600',4,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '21' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (38,'Use email to notify users?','useemail','Users can be notified of photo approvals and deletions.','yes',1,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '38' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (41,'User Registration System','vbversion','','vb3',2,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '41' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (42,'Comments increment user post count?','cpostcount','','yes',1,7)]
Result: Duplicate entry '42' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (43,'Photo uploads increment user post count?','ppostcount','','yes',5,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '43' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (44,'Save and display medium and large images?','bigsave','','yes',6,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '44' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (45,'Number of columns for most recent additions section?','recentcols','','4',1,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '45' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (46,'Number of photos to display in the most recent additions section?','recentnum','','12',2,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '46' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (47,'Allow users to send e-Cards?','enablecard','','no',2,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '47' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (48,'Require users to be registered to send an e-Card?','cardreg','','yes',3,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '48' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (49,'URL to PhotoPost images directory','idir','','http://www.domain.com/images',13,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '49' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (50,'Depth (number of levels) of categories to display.','catdepth','','1',2,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '50' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (51,'Allow users to be notified of new posts via email?','usenotify','','yes',2,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '51' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (58,'Show post count and photo details for cats without thumbs?','catdetails','','no',3,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '58' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (61,'Use COPPA for registration?','coppa','','yes',3,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '61' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (62,'Full Path to Registration Rules, or leave blank for default','rules','','',4,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '62' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (63,'Require verification of email address upon registration?','emailverify','','yes',5,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '63' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (64,'Your mailing address to receive COPPA permission forms?','address','','',6,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '64' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (65,'Full path to COPPA rules file, or leave blank for default?','copparules','','',7,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '65' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (66,'Allow new user registrations?','allowregs','','yes',8,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '66' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (67,'Allow users to upload photos?','allowup','','yes',3,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '67' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (68,'Allow users to post comments?','allowpost','','yes',4,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '68' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (69,'Show recent photos in default location (bottom)? (if no, will display at top)','recentdefault','','yes',3,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '69' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (70,'Your Commission Junction click-through URL','cjurl','','',6,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '70' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (71,'Notify Admin of New Uploads?','uploadnotify','','yes',10,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '71' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (72,'Show last photo thumbnail in member galleries listing?','membthumb','','yes',4,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '72' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (75,'PhotoPost main table width, percent or pixels.','tablewidth','','100%',5,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '75' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (76,'Require unique email addresses for user registration?','emailunique','','no',1,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '76' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (78,'Show Random images on Index page?','disrandom','','no',4,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '78' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (79,'Show Most Popular images on Index page?','dispopular','','no',5,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '79' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (80,'Do you want to allow ZIP uploads?','allowzip','','no',5,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '80' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (81,'PATH to UPLOADS directory?','zipuploaddir','','/path/to/uploads',16,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '81' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (82,'URL to UPLOADS directory?','zipuploadurl','','http://www.yoursite.com/uploads',17,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (83,'Forum database table prefix','dprefix','','',3,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '83' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (84,'PhotoPost Version','pversion','','7.0',53,0)]
Result: Duplicate entry '84' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (86,'Enable watermarking of photos with overlay image?','annotate','','no',1,10)]
Result: Duplicate entry '86' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (87,'If enabled, position of overlay watermark on images.','gravity','','SouthEast',2,10)]
Result: Duplicate entry '87' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (88,'Quality setting for resizing/thumbnails?','imgquality','','70',7,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '88' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (89,'If photo upload width or height exceeds maximums, resize upload down to max dimensions?','resizeorig','','yes',8,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '89' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (90,'Full server path to watermark overlay image.','watermark','','',3,10)]
Result: Duplicate entry '90' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (91,'Allow users to delete their own images?','userdel','','no',17,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '91' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (92,'Display Members Gallery on the main index page?','showmem','','yes',6,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '92' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (93,'Require users to be registered to view images?','reqregister','','no',9,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '93' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (94,'Do you want Members Gallery to show all of a users photos?','memformat','','yes',4,4)]
Result: Duplicate entry '94' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (95,'Display headers during SlideShows?','slidehead','','yes',24,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '95' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (97,'Maximum multimedia upload size in Kb','mmuploadsize','','16000',10,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '97' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (98,'Allow users to create Personal Albums?','allowpa','','yes',7,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '98' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (99,'Allow multimedia uploads?','allowmedia','','no',8,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '99' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (100,'Allow members to rate photos?','allowrate','','yes',20,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '100' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (101,'Display new comments/photos indicator on index?','displaynew','','no',7,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '101' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (102,'Display and extract EXIF information from images?','showexif','','no',9,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '102' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (103,'Do you want to show the Members Gallery in List format?','memblist','','no',3,4)]
Result: Duplicate entry '103' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (104,'Do you want to prompt for optional info during registration?','getoptional','','yes',2,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '104' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (105,'Do you want to be notified of all new comments?','notifyadmin','','no',9,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '105' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (114,'Display filesize?','dispfs','','yes',11,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '114' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (115,'Display views?','dispviews','','yes',12,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '115' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (116,'Display date?','dispdate','','yes',13,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '116' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (117,'Display dimensions?','dispdims','','yes',14,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '117' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (118,'Display keywords?','dispkeys','','yes',15,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '118' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (119,'Display description?','dispdesc','','yes',16,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '119' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (120,'Display ratings that have no comments attached?','dispempty','','yes',17,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '120' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (121,'Display title under photo?','disptitle','','yes',18,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '121' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (122,'Display quickratings under photos?','dispquick','','yes',19,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '122' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (182,'Message displayed when closed', 'closedmsg', '', 'The galleries are temporarily down for maintainence.', 21, 1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '182' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (183,'Show Personal Albums Index link under Members Gallery?', 'showalbum', 'Adds a text link to the Albums index into the Members Gallery description', 'yes', 10, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '183' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (184,'Allow users to move their own images?','usermove','','no',16,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '184' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (185,'Use embedded multimedia?','embededmm', '', 'yes', 5, 5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '185' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (186,'Degrees to rotate portrait thumbnails? (set to 0 for no rotation)','rotatep', 'For users of ImageMagick only', '0', 15, 6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '186' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (187,'Degrees to rotate landscape thumbnails? (set to 0 for no rotation)','rotatel', 'For users of ImageMagick only', '0', 16, 6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '187' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (188,'If rotating, long side for mini thumbnail?','minil', 'If rotating your thumbnails, we need to create a mini thumbnail', '50', 17, 6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '188' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (189,'If rotating, short side for mini thumbnail?','minis', 'If rotating your thumbnails, we need to create a mini thumbnail', '27', 18, 6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '189' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (190,'Allow downloads from URLs?','downurl', '', 'yes', 19, 6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '190' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (192,'Number of top level categories to show on index page?','indexcats', 'Set to 0 to show all top level categories on one page', '0', 11, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '192' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (193,'Use popup window for BIG images?','bigpopup', 'If you want BIG photos to appear using a popup window, set to yes', 'no', 31, 5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '193' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (194,'Do you want to use the forum-style layout?','pplayout', 'Yes is the default setting, No uses the thumbnail gallery layout', 'yes', 18, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '194' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (195,'Do you want to enable the Announcement box?','news', '', 'no', 12, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '195' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (196,'Title for the Announcement box?','newstitle', '', 'News', 13, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '196' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (197,'Contents of the Announcement box?','newscopy', 'This block can contain HTML code (200 character limit)', '', 14, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '197' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (198,'Use 24 hour time format?','timeformat', 'You can elect to have time displayed as HH:MMam or using the 24 hour clock', 'no', 32, 1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '198' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (199,'Do you want moderators to have global rights?','modprivs', 'Set this to NO if you want to assign moderators to specific categories', 'yes', 18, 2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '199' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (200,'Display Moderators as part of the category description?','dispmods', 'Set this to YES if you want the moderators listed on the index page under a category', 'no', 15, 3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '200' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (201,'Use photo view caching to reduce view update queries on high load sites?','viewcache', 'Set this to YES if you want to enable the view caching code which caches photo view updates', 'no', 33, 1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '201' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (202,'Min allowable image width in pixels','minwidth','','0',21,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '202' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (203,'Min allowable image height in pixels','minheight','','0',22,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '203' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (204,'Mobile Phone Integration: EMail address for images','mobemail','EMail address users should send their images to','',23,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '204' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (205,'Show Last Comments column on Index?','showcoms','','yes',16,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '205' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (206,'Show Last Photo column on Index','showlast','','yes',17,3)]
Result: Duplicate entry '206' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (207,'Original Image storage directory URL','origdir','Typically this path matches your DATA directory URL, unless you want to store your original images seperatly from your thumbnails/medium images.','http://www.domain.com/photopost/data',34,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '207' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (208,'Orignial Image storage directory server path','origfull','Typically this path matches your DATA directory server path, unless you want to store your original images seperatly from your thumbnails/medium images.','/path/to/your/photopost/data',35,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '208' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (209,'When using on-the-fly image generation, do you want to overlay the watermark image?','overwater','You can use this feature for on-the-fly watermarks in combination with the on-the-fly image generation.','no',30,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '209' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (210,'Default location of the photo previews?','filmstrip','Determines the location of the film-strip previews on the showphoto page.','top',26,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '210' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (211,'Minutes to cache index page data for featured photos, statistics and PALs?','cachetimeout','Number of minutes to cache information. Default is 10 minutes, 0 means no caching.','10',36,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '211' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (212,'Show Calendar PAL?','calpal','Do you want to display the calendar pal, yes or no.','yes',16,11)]
Result: Duplicate entry '212' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (213,'Show html code to display photos?','showhtml','Do you want to show the img src html tag for a photo?','no',6,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '213' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (214,'Show direct links to photos?','showdirect','Do you want to display the page link to a photo?','no',7,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '214' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (215,'Load limit for server?','loadlimit','If running *nix and you want to disable your forums when load goes over a certain limit; place the high limit here.','0',35,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '215' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (231,'Uniform thumbnail height?','uniheight','Can only be used when using IM for imaging.','78',27,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '231' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (232,'Uniform thumbnail width','uniwidth','Can only be used when using IM for imaging.','120',28,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '232' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (233,'Use Messaging System for PhotoPost alerts/notices?','usemsg','','yes',38,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '233' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (234,'Use CAPTCHA images when verifying unregistered users?','usecaptcha','Requires GD2 support!','no',4,8)]
Result: Duplicate entry '234' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (235,'Enable PhotoPost Message Board?','usebb','Used only for internal PhotoPost systems.','no',5,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '235' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (237,'Enable Auto Rotate if EXIF info is available?','autorotate','','yes',23,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '237' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (238,'Use images for user menu options on showphoto?','imgmenu','','yes',35,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '238' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (239,'Enable zoom javascript?','zoom','Enable the TJP zoom javascript feature on showphoto?','no',36,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '239' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (240,'Enable Flash uploader?','flashupload','Selects flash uploader if user is registered and flash is installed. As a 3rd party plug-in, this option is not supported by PhotoPost support.','no',29,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '240' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (241,'Which Payment Processor do you want to use?', 'processor', 'Currently paypal and authorize.net are supported', 'paypal', 3, 15)]
Result: Duplicate entry '241' for key 1
Database: baza_vb
INFLICTED добавил 31.05.2011 в 02:41
и adm-index.php - белая странциа, ну и ниче не рабоатет соответсвенно!
Last edited by INFLICTED : 05-31-2011 at 03:41 AM.
Reason: Добавлено сообщение
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Москва
Награды в конкурсах:
Posts: 406
Версия vB: 3.8.x
Professional 550
Репутация в разделе: 179
А выложите код config-inc.php,
естественно без логинов и паролей ваших
// The URL of your photo dir where your images are stored (with / at end) $data_dir = "http://домен_вашего_сайта.ru/photopost/data/";
Last edited by Whity : 06-01-2011 at 12:33 PM.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 176
Версия vB: 3.7.3
Novice 2
Репутация в разделе: 1
не помогло!
PHP Code:
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (1,'Title for your PhotoPost Application','galleryname','','My Photo Gallery',1,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (2,'Web site name','webname','','My Website',2,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '2' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (3,'Your Website URL (include http://)','domain','','http://www.domain.com',3,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '3' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (4,'Administrator Email Address','adminemail','','admin@domain.com',4,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (5,'URL to PhotoPost data directory','datadir','This is the web / virtual path to the data directory.','http://www.domain.com/photopost/data',5,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (6,'Full SERVER PATH to PhotoPost data directory','datafull','Full path to the image files directory.','/path/to/your/photopost/data',6,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (7,'URL to your forums main directory','vbulletin','This is the URL path to your forum installation.','http://www.domain.com/forum',1,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (8,'Full path to Header Include file','header','To include an HTML file as the header, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/header.htm',8,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '8' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (9,'Full path to the Footer include file','footer','To include an HTML file as the footer, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/footer.htm',9,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '9' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (10,'Full path to HTML file containing head tags','headtags','','/path/to/php/headtags.htm',10,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (11,'URL to PhotoPost PHP directory','maindir','','http://www.domain.com/photopost',11,1)]
Result: Duplicate entry '11' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (13,'Default number of comments per page','defaultposts','','15',1,5)]
Result: Duplicate entry '13' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (14,'Show Most Recent Additions on Index page?','mostrecent','','yes',4,9)]
Result: Duplicate entry '14' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (15,'Number of columns for thumbnail pages','thumbcols','','4',1,4)]
Result: Duplicate entry '15' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (18,'Thumbnail image max width and height in pixels','previewwidth','','100',1,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '18' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (19,'Max allowable image width in pixels','maxwidth','','2500',2,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '19' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (20,'Max allowable image height in pixels','maxheight','','2500',3,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '20' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (21,'Trigger medium graphic height and width','biggraphic','An uploaded larger than this will create a medium image of this size.','600',4,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '21' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (38,'Use email to notify users?','useemail','Users can be notified of photo approvals and deletions.','yes',1,2)]
Result: Duplicate entry '38' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (41,'User Registration System','vbversion','','vb3',2,13)]
Result: Duplicate entry '41' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (42,'Comments increment user post count?','cpostcount','','yes',1,7)]
Result: Duplicate entry '42' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (43,'Photo uploads increment user post count?','ppostcount','','yes',5,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '43' for key 1
Database: base_vb
Step 3: MySQL error reported: [INSERT INTO pp_settings VALUES (44,'Save and display medium and large images?','bigsave','','yes',6,6)]
Result: Duplicate entry '44' for key 1
Database: base_vb
итд, много строк
потом, процесс какбы продолжаеться
выбираю - External User Registration
(vBulletin, UBBT6, DCForums, IB, Ikon, SMF, phpBB2 or Nuke)
и вот что писать в настройках форума???
Step 4: Configuring PhotoPost
Forums database table prefix for your forum (you may have chosen this initially when you installed your forum - leave blank if none or default):
Forum Cookie Prefix (if used, otherwise leave blank)
Some defaults include - VB: bb, Threads: w3t_, phpBB2: phpbb2mysql
phpBB3, SMF or WowBB Cookie Name (if used, otherwise leave blank)
Some defaults include - phpBB3: phpbb3_hcv6g,SMF: SmfCookie10,WowBB: wowbb
UBBThreads or WowBB Default Stylesheet Name (if used, otherwise leave blank)
INFLICTED добавил 02.06.2011 в 10:19 НО
на 5 шагу
Step 5: PhotoPost Configuration Verification
предлогала не правильные пути
Server Path to Forum directory, ссылка на форум была уже внутри папки фотопоста, поправил как надо adm-index.php и photopost/index.php заработали!
Сейчас тестирую всели работает как надо, но Ошибкт БД которые велезли выше очень смущают
Last edited by INFLICTED : 06-02-2011 at 11:19 AM.
Reason: Добавлено сообщение