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I've been using the legacy postbit for quite some time, and thought it'd be nice as a subject to change after having the same thing over and over for a while. So, I decided to tweak it a bit to my personal taste.
Don't mind to click install if you like it!
Note: the second attachment is a mere example to show some changes you can do yourself if interested. First attachment is what this mod does.
DragonByte Advanced Tagging Users: Read this post!
This will change your legacy postbit to something neater (at least, in my opinion). You're only required to replace the appropriate templates and add a bit of CSS, which will be shown below.
Additional Notes:
This modification has been tested and used using the default style, as well as a modified one. Both seem to work, though I do not support any heavy modified templates.
Please do report any issues (in the code) that you may come across, and I'll be sure to fix these in the original post at once.
How to apply changes:
Navigate to your Style Manager in the AdminCP. Once there, open up the postbit_legacy template. Remove all code (or backup if you're using your own style, in-case something goes amiss in yours), and replace it with the following:
В кратце говоря, это ещё один вариант отображения постбита. Код в шаблон postbit_legacy, CSS код в Основную таблицу CSS. Если отображается на вашем форуме не так, как хотелось бы - подредактируйте код.