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Почта с временных сервисов, типа mailinator.com, gawab.com и/или прочих, которые предоставляют временный почтовый ящик без регистрации и/или почтовый ящик для рассылки спама, отслеживается и блокируется, а так же заносится в спам-блок форума, аккаунты удаляются
Если вы хотите приобрести какой то скрипт/продукт/хак из каталогов перечисленных ниже: Каталог модулей/хаков
Ещё раз обращаем Ваше внимание: всё, что Вы скачиваете и устанавливаете на свой форум, Вы устанавливаете исключительно на свой страх и риск.
Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
Enhanced Reputation Given Checks
vB Version: 3.5.3
This adds a set of extra checks for whenever members try and give reputation to posts.
Reputation Power Cap
Sets the maximum reputation giving power for any member.
Higher Reputation Forum List
Any reputation given in the forums listed will be multiplied by the "Higher Reputation Multiply Factor".
Higher Reputation Multiply Factor
See above : Forums in the "Higher Reputation Forum List" will have any reputation given multiplied by this factor.
No Reputaion Forum List
List of Forums in which members cannot give reputation to posts.
Open Threads Limit
Posts in open threads, that are older than this limit, cannot be given reputation.
Closed Threads Limit
Posts in closed threads, that are older than this limit, cannot be given reputation.
Negative Reputation Multiply Factor
All negative reputation is multiplied by this factor (by default vb sets negative reputation to half of positive reputation).
Require Reputation Comment
Members must leave a comment in order to give a post reputation.
Points to note:
If a member does not have permission to give negative reputation then any negative reputation they give will be set to zero - in default vb they ended up giving positive reputation.
The vb fixed admin reputation setting is multiplied by the negative reputation factor - in default vb it was the same value for both positive & negative, while everyone elses negative was half the positive value.
The reputation cap is checked before any multiplication factors are applied - also the Forum Multiply and Negative Multiply are cumulative (e.g. if the cap is 40, and you have a forum multiply of 3, and a negative multiply of 2, a member could give a rep of -40 * 3 * 2 = -240).