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Ещё раз обращаем Ваше внимание: всё, что Вы скачиваете и устанавливаете на свой форум, Вы устанавливаете исключительно на свой страх и риск.
Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
Название: PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate' Версия: 4.0.100 Совместимость: vBulletin version 3.8.x/4.0.x Краткое описание: Расширяет функциональность формы " Быстрый ответ" до расширеного режима. Полное описание возможностей [EN]: Оффтоп
Features: General Features:-
MD5 checked.
Fully Phrased.
Fully Supported.
Fully Automated.
Accurate Processing.
Professionally Coded.
Detailed Documentation.
Zero Additional Queries.
Unique unmatchable product!!
Maximum flexibility & usability.
Require only one small manual JS edit.
Doing all default vBulletin checks & vBulletin Fully Compatible.
Available not only for threads, but also for albums & pciture comments, social group discussions, social groups picture comments, visitor message comments and private messages replies. It's just a complete ultimate product. All in one!! Specific Features:- AdminCP Options: ON/OFF
Choose whether the product "PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'" is active or not (Global On/Off Switch). Applied locations
Where do you wish to activate this product? You've four valid locations this product can be applied on & take affect:
Thread Quick Reply
Private Message Quick Reply
Profile Visitor Message
Album Picture Comment
Social Group Comment
Social Group Picture Comment Thread Options: Enable/Disable Options
You can control all "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'" options through this setting, check the check box beside the appropriate option to activate it, or un-check it to deactivate.
Allow attachments
Thread Management Tools
Quote message in reply
Show Signature
Display "Disable Smilies" option
Smiliebox Below Editor
Hide Attachments' Extensions
Collapse Quick Reply Thread Options: Checked by default
You can set the default check status for each option of the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'", any checked option here will be checked by default within forums.
Thread Manage: Close
Thread Manage: Stick
Disable Smilies
Quote message in reply
Show Signature Enabled Built-in BB Code Tags
This setting allows you to enable and disable various built-in BBCode Tags in the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'".
Disabling a BBCode will NOT prevent it from working in the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'", but only hide it's relevant button from the editor. Include/Exclude Users
You can specify certain users to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Users
Include Specific Users
Exclude Specific Users
Select "Include All Users" for the product to take effect on all users (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Users" for the product to take effect on certain users only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Users" for the product NOT to take effect on certain users -defined in the following setting-. Included/Excluded Users
If you've chosen "Include Specific Users" OR "Exclude Specific Users" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter user IDs separated with commas. Include/Exclude Usergroups
You can specify certain usergroups to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Usergroups
Include Specific Usergroups
Exclude Specific Usergroups
Select "Include All Usergroups" for the product to take effect on all usergroups (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Usergroups" for the product to take effect on certain usergroups only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Usergroups" for the product NOT to take effect on certain usergroups -defined in the following setting-. Included/Excluded Usergroups
If you've chosen "Include Specific Usergroups" OR "Exclude Specific Usergroups" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user group IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter user group IDs separated with commas. Include/Exclude Forums
You can specify certain forums to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Forums
Include Specific Forums
Exclude Specific Forums
Select "Include All Forums" for the product to take effect on all forums (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Forums" for the product to take effect on certain forums only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Forums" for the product NOT to take effect on certain forums -defined in the following setting-. Included/Excluded Forums
If you've chosen "Include Specific Forums" OR "Exclude Specific Forums" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified forum IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter forum IDs separated with commas. Affected Styles
You can enable this product on certain styles only & keep it disabled for others, just select the styles you wish this product to take affect on. For multiple selecting press 'CTRL' & keep holding it while selecting. Smilie Menu Total Smilies
How many smilies would you like to display in the WYSIWYG popup smilie menu before the 'show all smilies' link is displayed.
Set this value to 0 if you would like to hide the popup smilie menu completely. Smiliebox Total Smilies
How many smilies would you like to be displayed in the smiliebox before the user is prompted to click for the more smilies popup window?
Set this value to 0 if you would like to hide the clickable smiliebox completely. Smiliebox Smilies Per Row
If the smiliebox is enabled, how many smilies would you like to be displayed per row of the box?
Note: positive integer values allowed. Minimum value is one "1".
v1.0.0 24/05/2008 04:07 AM UTC: First initial release (public) v1.1.0 15/06/2008 04:07 AM UTC: First updated release (private) v1.5.0 21/06/2008 03:00 AM UTC: Too many updates (public)
Core Changes: Changing product id from "phpkd_full_quickreply" to "phpkd_aqr".
Core Changes: Changing product name from "Full Quick Reply" to "Advanced Quick Reply".
Preferences: Changing setting group location from 'under BBCode settings' to order '1005'.
Settings: "Smiliebox Smilies Per Row" default value (3 -> 15).
Settings: "Smiliebox Below Editor" default value (No -> Yes).
Settings: "Message box width" default value (Default -> 100%).
Phrases: "Advanced Quick Reply BB Code Settings" -> "Advanced Quick Reply Settings".
Optimizations: Optimizing smilies query (encapsulating inside if statment, if smilies are disabled then it won't be excuted).
Optimizations: Beautifying product's code & auto generate helpful debuging info.
Optimizations: Optimizing product's code as a whole.
New Features: Adding "Attachments in Quick Reply" with full support for all attachment's features in the full editor.
New Features: Ajaxifying all management actions & doing all stuff on the fly without reloading (changing phrases/images/options on fly).
New Features: Adding Ajaxified "disable smilies in text" options.
New Features: Adding Ajaxified "Thread Management" options (open/close | stick/unstick).
New Features: On/Off "Display Cut/Copy/Paste Buttons" option.
New Features: On/Off "Display Undo/Redo Buttons" option.
New Features: On/Off "Display Extra Buttons" option.
New Features: Default "Message box Height" option. v1.5.1 01/07/2008 06:00 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
Optimizations: Optimizing AJAX Code (And Fixing some bugs with disabled features).
Optimizations: Disabling some features by default (manual activation required from AdminCP settings whenever it's needed) [ Allow attachments / Display Thread Management Options / Display "Disable Smilies" option ].
New Features: Two new options [ Hide Attachments' Extensions (On/Off) / Hide Default Quick Reply Options (On/Off) ]. v2.0.0 26/07/2008 12:03 PM UTC: Next Generation -Too many updates- (public)
Core Changes: Re-writing ~ the whole product's code.
Core Changes: Optimizing/Fixing minnor bugs in the product's code.
Core Changes: Minimizing JavaScript file edits to just one tiny edit & separating all required JavaScript Code in a new compressed file.
Preferences: Changing setting group varname from 'phpkd_aqr_bbcode' to 'phpkd_aqr'.
Settings: Re-writing all boolean settings with a new technique depending on bitfields.
New Features: Adding md5 sum check.
New Features: Optimizing & Beautifying product's code.
New Features: Developing the helpfull debugging info.
New Features: Adding usergroup permissions (per usergroup on/off permission).
New Features: Adding forums permissions (per forum on/off switch).
New Features: Adding "Exclude Users" permissions (can exclude users from using product).
New Features: Adding "Collapse Advanced Quick Reply by default" feature. v4.0.100 03/03/2010 03:03 AM UTC: First 3.8.x/4.0.x release .. Third Generation -Too many updates- (public)
Core Changes: Shifting up the product to a completely new level.
Core Changes: Re-writting product's code from scratch to be highly customizable/flexible/reusable and fully compatible with both 3.8.x & 4.0.x vB series.
Core Changes: Product's ID has been changed to "phpkd_vbaqr" & name to "PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'".
Core Changes: Redesigning & standardizing all settings for better using experience.
New Features: Added support for albums & picture comments.
New Features: Added support for social group discussions.
New Features: Added support for social groups picture comments.
New Features: Added support for visitor message comments.
New Features: Added support for private messages replies.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude users from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude usergroups from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude forums from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude styles from using this product.
1. Скопировать содержимое папки upload в папку форума.
2. Внести изменение в файл "clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js":
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Шаблон этого редактора phpkd_vbaqr_40x_editor для тех у кого HIDE стоит
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Новороссийск
Posts: 93
Версия vB: 4.1.8
Опытный 19
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такая проблемка ..... после установки хака, вроде всё визуально ок..... но! нажав на "ответить в теме" сообщение не появляется..... - перезагружаешь страницу-оно уже есть. т.е. получается, что твой ответ отправляется, но сразу не появляется, как при обычном варианте.
Кто может, помогите плиз!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 218
Версия vB: 4.0 Beta
Опытный 70
Репутация в разделе: 37
Originally Posted by bumZ
такая проблемка ..... после установки хака, вроде всё визуально ок..... но! нажав на "ответить в теме" сообщение не появляется..... - перезагружаешь страницу-оно уже есть. т.е. получается, что твой ответ отправляется, но сразу не появляется, как при обычном варианте.