What is AboutToday?
AboutToday provides a central place to bring daily items of interest to your forum visitors. It includes two main components:
A database system that can hold unlimited categories of "AboutToday" events. For example, you could have a history category (like a Today in History) with sub-categories for different eras in history. Or, you could have a daily joke or software tip of the day, etc.
An RSS Reader system where the admin can enter RSS feeds that will then be displayed on the page.
Detailed Features
Basic Settings
Disable AboutToday?
Product Title
AboutToday Events Per Page
Display Local Events in "Today's Events"?
Number of Events to display on Forumhome (in Today's Events)?
Disable RSS Feeds?
RSS Title
Category Name
Can this category hold events?
Ignore the "Year"?
Parent Category?
Edit Category
Delete Category
RSS Feeds
Maximum Length
Number of RSS events to Display on "Today's Events"
Number of RSS events to dispaly on AboutToday page
How often should this feed be updated?
Use RSS Image?
Disable this Feed?
Edit Feed
Delete Feed
Usergroup Settings
Can View AboutToday?
Can Add Events to AboutToday?
Can Edit Own Entries?
Can Edit ALL events?
Can View Disabled AboutToday?
Include link to image button on editor?
Can load events from a delimited file?
Can View RSS Feeds?
Today's Events
Titles of Local Events for that day (number displayed set in admincp)
Headlines from RSS Feeds Displayed (configured in admincp)
AboutToday pages
Select local events based on month, day, or category.
Search local events
View detailed RSS Feed listing
Local events can be added individually or loaded via a delimited file
Copy the following files to your server in the forums directory:
From the admincp, import the product file product-abouttoday.xml (Manage Products - Add/Import Product).
REFRESH your admincp window. You should now see a listing in the left column of the admincp for "AboutToday".
Getting Started
From the admincp, select AboutToday - Categories. Add a category.
From the admincp, select AboutToday - RSS Feeds. Add an RSS Feed.
From the admincp, select Usergroups - Usergroup Manager. Add permissions so the Administrator group can use the product.
From your forum directory, bring up the file abouttoday.php. "Add" your first event to the category you have created!
To get the first RSS Feed into cache, run