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Спасибо за понимание
APM for vBulletin 3.5.x: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=95741
APM for vBulletin 3.6.x http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=121792
APM for vB version: 3.7.x
Support: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=197071
It's required that you have debug mode ON when editting/adding some features
A center product area which allow you to manage all codes/plugins/templates/phrases/settings /crons for any product.
It also add some additional fields to the product, just to save more information with a product
Release Date
Product Author
Extra Information
Install date
The extra information is only available if you install APM, and use APM to export/import other product.
It does not have any conflict with original product. You still can use APM to import standard product, or use standard product tool to import APM's product files.
1. Upload all files in UPLOAD folder to your server
2. Import XML product (product-adv_product_management_XXX.xml) using vBulletin standard product import tool.
3. Refresh menu panel to display Advanced Product Management link in Plugin System section
{optional} - Re-import product-adv_product_management.xml using APM import product tool, with Allow Overwrite = Yes
This step is inserting more information into the product.
* CAUTION: DONOT use APM to import the product itself (product-adv_product_management.xml) BEFORE step 2.
1. Upload all files in UPLOAD folder to your server (replace the old files
2. Import XML product with "Allow Overwrite" option checked
3. Enjoy!
v1.0: Initial release
v1.1: Improve count queries, thanks to KirbyDE, some bugs fix
v1.2: Add collapsible blocks into product detail
2005.10.02: version 2.0: Alot of improvement. After editting, redirect back to product manager
2005.11.05: version 2.0.3: change some function names, due to changes in vB3.5.1 / it may not work for 3.5.0
2006.07.21: version 3.0.0 - release for vB 3.6.0
2006.08.22: version 3.0.2: Add CRON to the APM - change dependency
2006.09.21: version 3.0.3 - with small fixes
2006.09.25: version 3.0.4 - fix "install code - invalid product" bug (p=1081739&postcount=38)
2008.11.22: version 3.1.0 - fix multiple choice bug, add install time, clean some code ...
2008.11.25: version 3.1.1 - fix "disabled no-link product" bug, to display striked red - in product list
2008.11.27: version 3.1.2 - compatible with Check All Version mod, add option to disable/enable all products, add TMS support ...
2008.11.27: version 3.7.003 - re-versioning
2008.11.28: version 3.7.004 - some clean up, show plugin,phrase,template alone ...
2009.12.04: version 4.0.001 - release for vB 4.0
В аттаче отдельно папка upload и продукт. Одним архивом форум не дал залить.