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Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
Changes to Forum Organization and Posting Guidelines
In an effort to improve communication and make the forums here on vBulletin.com more useful for everyone, we are making a few changes to the way they are organized. Our goal is to make vBulletin.com an even more welcoming place and make it easier for users to find the information they're looking for.In particular, the *Announcements* forum will be just that - simple announcements. Rather than using the *Announcements Discussion* forum as we have in the past, you are welcome to ask questions and provide constructive comments in the *vBulletin Suggestions and Feedback* forum, which will be open to all licensed customers. Non-licensed customers will always be welcome to ask questions in the vBulletin *Pre-sales Questions* forum.By directing these discussions to the appropriate forums, it will be easier to get your feedback and pre-sales questions to the right people.Also, while in the past discussions were a bit freewheeling, we're going to renew our effort to keep discussions focused, in accord with our published posting guidelines. Polite discussion and constructive criticism will be welcome, but we are going to be better about moderating discussions to keep them on topic. Thanks again for all your continued participation!-Ray