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Lightbulb Video-Directory Remixed

Тема на орге

This modification is based on the Video-Directory modification by Survivor and vBPoint.org.
His mod is NOT dead, its still alive and kicking; but he has informed me that he just doesn't have the time to maintain it and give support. So until he is able to work on it agian; I've been doing a series of updates.

What is this mod?

This mod adds a fully featured and fully integrated video directory archive to your forums. Users can add their favorite videos from their favorite video service to the directory. I only support YouTube and YouTubeHD; but the hoster scripting is XML base, so any user can create their own scripts for any number of hosting services. The old MyVideo, Sevenload and Metacafe scripts from Survivor's version will still work, but they wont pull in Keyword/Tagging information, nor the video length time codes.

Basic Feature Listing:
  • Fully integrated into the vBulletin user database and product manager.
  • Fully phrased and built on templates for easy reskinning and styling.
  • Fully administratable and a myriad of settings for personalization.
  • Complete customization of permissions based on usergroups.
  • Landing page for broad information and fully featured tag cloud.
  • Category profiles for videos.
  • Contribution profiles for users.
  • Keyword profiles for tag cloud.
  • Built in comment system for videos.
  • Search function for titles and descriptions.
  • RSS feed of videos.
Product Demo:

Installation Procedure:
  1. Upload all files in the "upload" directory to your forum root.
  2. CHMOD /videothumbnails and /includes/videoserviceapi to 777.
  3. Import the product "product-videodirectory.xml" in your Product Manager.
  4. Follow the on screen instructions to configure your video hoster settings.
  5. Refresh your administration control panel to see the new navigation links.
Upgrade Procedure:
Upload all files in the "upload" directory to your forum root.
Take note of the information stored in Limits of Videos > General Settings.
Import the product "product-videodirectory.xml" in your Product Manager.
Re-establish your previous Limits settings in Videos > General Settings.
Re-import ALL of your hosters and settings in Videos > Manage hosters.
You may lose your category dataman when you upgrade. If no categories are listed after an upgrade, you will be required to rebuild your category dataman. Its very easy to rebuild it if you need to. Simply go into Videos > Manage categories, select ANY category and hit [Edit], then click [Save]. Your category dataman will automatically be rebuilt.

Roadmap for the Future:
AJAX handling of video comments (to avoid refresh during playback)

Version 1.2.4
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.3: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-MegaVideo.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Vimeo.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-VimeoHD.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
Version 1.2.3
  • You can now sort category, user and tag listings based on Dateline, Title and Ratings...
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.2: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.2: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • video_bit
    • video_bit_more
    • video_category
    • video_home
    • video_tag
    • video_user
Version 1.2.2
  • Changed the way the video taglists are called on the summary pages...
    • Taglists are now cached! This will save your server from being overloaded.
    • The summary taglist cache is rebuild on every video details view.
  • More miscellaneous changes to video hosters... Added support for VEOH as a Video Hoster.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.1: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/class_dm_video.php
    • upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
    • upload/includes/functions_videotags.php
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
Version 1.2.1
  • Changed the way certain video hoster setting options work.
    • These options are now global options, instead of being individual to each hoster.
    • There is now a new "Video detail settings" menu in your Admin Control Panel.
    • This change was made so that I could support a plugin based [VIDEO] BB code.
    • You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
  • Added support for plugin based [VIDEO] and [VIDEO=XXX] bbcodes!.
    • There is an option in the general settings to enable or disable these video tags.
    • If enabled, users will be able to embed videos from the video directory in their posts.
    • There are no permission checks on this; if a video is embedded, ANYONE can see it.
    • If you enable video bbcodes, they will replace the existing bb codes in video details.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
    • upload/includes/xml/cpnav_videodirectory.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • NEW: video_bbcode
    • some random plugin changes...
Version 1.2.0
  • Extended support for RSS Feeds and tagging while viewing video details.
    • Now when you few video details, ALL tag RSS feeds will be selectable.
  • Added the option to turn off text fields for URL, BB Codes and Embed Codes.
    • These settings are in the settings of each individual video-hoster xml file.
    • Because of this, you MUST upgrade all your video-hosters to the 1.2.0 version.
    • No video-hosters prior to version 1.2.0 will function with this version.
    • You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.9: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.9: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • video_details
Version 1.1.9
  • Added support for navlinks in the COMMUNITY LINKS in vBulletin 3.8.0
    • Some plugins have changed for this release.
  • Added support for individual RSS feeds for Categories, Users and Tags
    • You can now subscribe to individual feeds for categories, users and tags
    • Both users and categories are sorted in the filter if you use IE for RSS.
      • Firefox does not use the filter, so if you use FF, you wont see this.
    • Unregistered must have "Can view video-directory" permission for RSS to work.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.8: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.8: (make sure you revert these templates!)
Version 1.1.8
  • BUG FIX: fixed DOM retrieval errors in Mozilla Firefox...
    • Firefox will now correctly retrieve timelength and keyword information
    • Thanks logicuk for informing me about this problem.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.7: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • Just re-upload the ENTIRE /upload/ directory.
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.7: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • Just re-vert all of your Video Directory templates!
Version 1.1.7
  • BUG FIX:
  • Upgrades no longer try to re-install the hosters; it was causing problems.
  • Fixed incompatibilities with the admin control panel and VBSEO.
  • Added an option to allow or disallow the retrieving of Tags/Keywords from an API.
  • Added fully working API from Dailymotion that now supports keywords and timecodes.
  • Added fully working API from Metacafe that now supports keywords and timecodes.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.6: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • DELETE upload/video.php
    • upload/video_admin.php
    • upload/clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_videodirectory.js
    • upload/includes/xml/cpnav_videodirectory.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
    • upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
    • upload/videothumbnails/Dailymotion (CHMOD to 777)
    • upload/videothumbnails/Metacafe (CHMOD to 777)
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.6: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • video_add
Version 1.1.6
This update is mostly a series of bug fixes.
  • Reformatted the entire install script so its easier to debug and process.
  • Upgrades will now re-install your hosters. So you dont have to do it manually.
  • The tag cloud now constructs tag fonts using PIXELS (px), instead of POINTS (pt).
    • Pixel fonts give higher accuracy and control of text sizes, over points.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed installation errors by switching to the dbalter function.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the tag cloud display error for people who use table prefixes.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the tag cloud insertion error from the admin control panel.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the tag cloud video count for people who use table prefixes.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the tag search error with tags that have an apostrophe in them.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed navbit errors for videocategory for prefixes on edit tag page.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.5: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/videotag.php
    • upload/admincp/video.php
    • upload/includes/functions_videotags.php
  • Removed the tweaked vBAdvanced modules at request of the original author.
Version 1.1.5
  • Added support for the editing of timecodes for video_add and video_edit.
    • You MUST revert these two templates or timecodes will fail to edit.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed "invalid level field" error for new installations.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed "table_prefix" error for upgrade installations.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed "tag cloud" error for directories with empty clouds.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.4: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/video.php
    • upload/clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_videodirectory.js
    • upload/includes/functions_videotags.php
Version 1.1.4
  • Added a setting for an announcement on the landing page (video_home).
  • Added support for avatars in the comment bits; also cleaned up the formatting.
  • Added fields for the duration length of videos from YouTube.
    • This value is stored in seconds in the database.
    • When you add a video, this information will be retrieved automatically.
    • Older videos must be edited manually from within the database.
  • Added support for control panel handling the tagging system.
    • You can now create and delete tags through the admin CP.
  • Added video preview on the add video page that shows when you click retrieve.
  • Changed the way category levels are handled; there is no longer a sub template.
    • The level is handled through a simple if statement in the catbits.
  • BUG FIX: Now when you delete a video, it now properly deletes the thumbnail.
Version 1.1.3
  • Added support for a tagging system and tag cloud!
    • Anyone who can edit a video can now add tags to that video.
    • A tag cloud is also constructed dynamicly on the home page.
    • The tag cloud does NOT have a tag search caching system...
    • When adding a video, it retrieves keywords from the service.
    • The tagging system is configurable with its on option screen
  • YouTube XML files now have settings for autoplay, fullscreen and related options.
  • Added a usergroup permission for watching videos. (NOTE: OFF BY DEFAULT!)
    • Unless a usergroup has this permission, they can not watch any videos.
    • They may still be able to browse the video directory, just not watch.
  • BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on user pages.
  • BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on tag pages.
  • BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on small bits.
Version 1.1.2
  • Changed the way the YouTubeHD handles the recognition of high definition urls.
    • Simply change the HTTP in your youtube link to HDEF!
    • This will signify an HD YouTube video instead of an SD YouTube video.
    • Marking an SD only video as HD, will break the video playback.
  • Added support for multi-column video listings.
    • You can now define a number of columns for your listing pages.
    • If you define 1 column, the preview continues to call on video_bit.
    • If you define more than 1 column, the preview calls on video_bit_more.
  • Added length of preview title; so you can restrict length with ellipses.
  • Changed templates to define max overflows for information fields in video bits.
    • <div class="smallfont" style="max-height: 13px; overflow: hidden;">
    • <div class="smallfont" style="max-height: 52px; overflow: hidden;">
    • This guarantees your tables never overflow because of text lengths.
  • BUG FIX: the homepage now properly calls up the top rated construct.
  • BUG FIX: search results now properly call up the videosperpage value.
Version 1.1.1
  • Added basic support for SEO slugs. To enable SEO slugs, uncomment out the line:
    // define('SEO_ENABLED', true);
    in upload/video.php
    • Enabling the SEO slug is NOT for people with vbSEO, you dont need it.
    • The required apache rewrite rules are in htaccess.txt.
    • BUG: Enabling the SEO slug will inherintly break the Who's Online recognition.
    • BUG: The &page= variable in the SEO slug is not properly optimized.
  • Added support for videocategory leveling. This is not a sub-category system.
    • The level simply implies the indent level of a category.
    • This makes it LOOK like categories are sub-categories, when they arent.
  • Added support for video listings based on contributor user accounts.
    • Clicking on a username will bring a view to all videos by that user.
  • Created "video_details_embed" to move embedded videos above the shell.
    • This gives more space to high definition video services.
  • "Random" and "Best Reated" listing options have been removed from video_details.
    • These searches are now delegated to only home/category/user/tag listings.
    • The "Related Videos" listing option has remained intact on video_details.
  • Added support for High Definition notation in video preview bits.
    • If an embed XML has "HD" in the title, it gets read as an HD stream.
  • VideoBBCode construct now pulls in the video title for option values.
  • Category Display is now forced on all pages with video preview bits.
  • BUG FIX: Rewrote a majority of phrases and templates for better English.
  • BUG FIX: PageNav for comments on video_details, now calls up the proper construct.
  • BUG FIX: Delete Comment page is now constructed properly for form widths.
  • BUG FIX: RSS feeds are now properly sanitized for Internet Explorer and Opera.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed true/false 1/0 construction in YouTube embed codes.
Attached Thumbnails
video-home.jpg   video-details.jpg   video-add.jpg   admin-settings-tags.jpg   admin-settings-general.jpg  

admin-manage-taglist.jpg   admin-manage-hosters.jpg  
Attached Files
File Type: zip VidDirRx-1.2.4.zip (772.7 KB, 149 views)

Last edited by shpunsetoy : 04-01-2009 at 10:51 PM.
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Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)

Интересно, кто нить за перевод возьмётся?
Saji's Avatar

Originally Posted by Kluivert View Post
Интересно, кто нить за перевод возьмётся?
Возьми да переведи - работы на день отсилы А вообще хак, что-то вроде видео-галереи?

Я вот это немного не понял:

Что это за мода?

Этот мод добавляет полнофункциональный и полностью интегрированный каталог архива видео на свой форумах. Пользователи могут добавлять свои любимые видеоролики из своих любимых видео сервис в каталог. Я только поддерживать YouTube и YouTubeHD, но Хостер сценариев XML базы, поэтому любой пользователь может создавать свои собственные скрипты для любого количества хостинговых услуг. Старые MyVideo, Sevenload и Metacafe сценариев Survivor версии будут по-прежнему работает, но они не будут тянуть в ключевых / меток информации, ни видео продолжительность времени кодами.

То есть файлы видео хранится на сторонних видеохранилищах, а на своё сайте? и как это "любой пользователь может создавать свои собственные скрипты". Очень интересно)
shpunsetoy's Avatar

....ты немного не так понял...это по сути каталог видеороликов который пользователи сами и создают...из контента который находится в различных видеохостингах..поддерживаются только YouTube и YouTubeHD но никто не мешает тебе добавить любые другие...просто посмотри как написанны эти два и добавь произвольное количество видеопомоек...пофиг каких...это просто рубрикатор...на мой взгляд интересный...но у каждого может быть своё мнение...


А разве video directory не тоже самое делает?
В чем принципиальное отличие этого 'remixed' ? =)
shpunsetoy's Avatar

Supporters / CoAuthors
который собственно и написал video directory ...некогда ему заниматься развитием...вот собственно и передал на поруки сподвижнику...а ремиксед это типа тюнинг чёли...кароче дальнейшее развитие...video directory

Last edited by shpunsetoy : 01-09-2009 at 06:11 PM.


То есть финальной версии того продукта можно уже не ожидать? Правильно я понял?
shpunsetoy's Avatar

..типа того...но этот почти тоже самое...просто доработан...даже если будет, то скорее всего за основу возьмут этот...
shpunsetoy's Avatar

Version 1.2.2
Changed the way the video taglists are called on the summary pages...
Taglists are now cached! This will save your server from being overloaded.
The summary taglist cache is rebuild on every video details view.
More miscellaneous changes to video hosters... Added support for VEOH as a Video Hoster.
FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
Attached Files
File Type: zip VidDirRx-1.2.2.zip (768.6 KB, 28 views)

Last edited by shpunsetoy : 01-24-2009 at 08:09 PM.
DI&YA's Avatar

кто поможет подсказать где можно изменить параметры видео для просмотра,
я хочу изменить вид окна, т.е. расширить окно просмотра (в коде выделенно красным)

<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ksEj002uM8s&hl=ru&fs=1&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ksEj002uM8s&hl=ru&fs=1&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>
с такого:

на такой:

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