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Cybermama's Avatar
Default Topic of the Week/Month Nomination

Система номинации тем на лучшую за неделю/месяц

Тема на орге


1. Распаковать архив
2. Залить содержимое папки upload в корень форума
3. Импортировать "product_nominate_topic.xml" в админке
4. Настроить хак
5. Зайти в менеджер запланированных задач и запустить задачу
Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod

Обновлено! Версия 1.35

->>Скачать хак<<-
Attached Thumbnails
1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg   4.jpg   5.jpg  

6.jpg   7.jpg   8.jpg  

Last edited by Cybermama : 07-12-2008 at 09:21 AM.
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Join Date: 05.05.2005
Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)

а я чёт не понял, как выбирать в опросе темы недели?
Martell's Avatar

Непонятно,тема есть,хака нет.Зачем тогда открывать???


Смотри внимательно, там есть слова Скачать хак
Martell's Avatar

Originally Posted by strangex08 View Post

Смотри внимательно, там есть слова Скачать хак
Ни заметил,привык что все время во вложениях.
Cactus's Avatar

Originally Posted by Martell View Post
привык что все время во вложениях.
и я тоже....вложения удобней.....
Cybermama, 404 Not Found
kerk's Avatar

Cactus, все на месте, качай браузером через контекстное меню/сохранить объект как...

Cybermama, не желательно использование пробелов (и символов не английского алфавита) в именах файлов
xorex's Avatar

Ктонить переведет сиё чудо ?

Update in version 1.40
Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
Option to automatically add points to award winners’ reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
If the current “Nomination Thread” is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.

залил без скринов
Attached Files
File Type: rar Week-Month Nomination v1.40.rar (150.2 KB, 8 views)

Last edited by xorex : 07-18-2008 at 03:19 AM.
Time's Avatar

Повидимому так никто и не переведёт =(
xorex's Avatar
Default Topic of the Week/Month Nomination v1.51

Topic of the Week/Month Nomination v1.51

Update 14/07/2008 in cron file
I noticed that some code instructions fail to work properly depending on the PhP version been used.

If you are running the v 1.35 and TOTW on a weekly basis and if for some reason, your cron file failed to work and create a new nomination thread on Sunday 13, July 2008, please use the attachment "updated-cron-14-07-2008.zip". The instructions are given in there.

Update in version 1.40
  1. Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  2. Option to automatically add points to award winners’ reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  3. If the current “Nomination Thread” is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.

Update in version 1.50
  1. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
  2. Few display titles fixed
  3. Additions made for users who had problems displaying the nomination button and stamp on their styles. Checkout the "Readme and installation" file.
  4. Cron file completely rewritten. Why?
    The previous cron file worked fine only when they were activated manually from the Run button in the Admin CP, but they were failing to run on their own as a scheduled task. I noticed that vbulletin global variables were no longer been passed to the cron file. Why??? I have actually getting the values of vbulletin global variables needed for the cron directly from the database.
    If you noticed that the "Nomination Thread" of the past week did not closed properly, proceed as follow:
    1. Open the cron file (upload/included/cron/
    2. Search for "// $createNewThread = 1;"
    3. Replace it by: "$createNewThread = 1;"
    4. Upload the cron file and run it manually (only once), just to close the previous thread and open a new one.
    5. Upload the original cron file back (the one with "// $createNewThread = 1;")

Update in version 1.51
  1. For weekly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every MONDAY's (00:10AM) as the week numbering starts on Monday's and not on Sunday's (as set in v 1.50)
If you are running v 1.50 with weekly cycle time and noticed that a new nomination thread has been created but the display title is still that of the previous thread (week 30), then this is for you. Do not delete the newly created nomination thread (with title week 30). On Monday 21st July, 2008, after 00:10AM, proceed as follow:
  1. Refresh your poll from the ACP -> Nominate Topic -> Refresh Poll (This will update the display title of both the poll and the nomination thread)
  2. Upload the content of the attachment v 1.51 to your root directory. (DO NOT MANUALLY RUN THE CRON FILE)
Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated Prod and Cron
  1. Automatic PM subject phrase moved from "<phrasetype name="Email Subject Text" fieldname="emailsubject">" to "<phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">"
  2. For monthly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every 1st day of the month (00:10AM) and not on the last day of the month.

Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated function
  1. Function updated (see attachment) as a result of exchanges with Kevil via TeamViewer.

Feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days. Also, feel free to add improvements in those files and post them.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51.rar (148.8 KB, 16 views)

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