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Спасибо за понимание
Unfortunately I don't have free time to do skin ripping of any kind, but that can't be hard, even for you. Start by copying the images, look at the source code, apply the basic modifications (if there are any) and voila! Or just use Google to look for the skins, perhaps some other site has them.
Join Date: Dec 2005
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If I could do that [sir] then I would have. But just asking if you could do it when you do have some free time maybe?
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally Posted by echo_unlimited
If I could do that [sir] then I would have. But just asking if you could do it when you do have some free time maybe?
Nice of you to call me sir, unfortunately her majesty is yet to make me one
Well, yes, I could do that, but first of all I'm afraid I don't have much of that 'fool around' time, and the second thing is, I'm not familiar with IPB at all. The last time I even downloaded one was probably a few years ago, I'm more of a vB fan, more intelligent code, better support, better community, etc. You should revert to vB as well
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Nahh its okay......IF I get cought with a NULLED vB board then vBulletin would sue my ass off where IPB would just tell you to shut down the board.
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally Posted by echo_unlimited
Nahh its okay......IF I get cought with a NULLED vB board then vBulletin would sue my ass off where IPB would just tell you to shut down the board.
It's just as easy to get caught with vB than IPB.
And there's a very very simple solution if you want your forum public -- buy it.
Those releases are for personal testing, and I appreciate ScriptMafia or who-ever releases them, but if I want to be public and run a legit business, I'll buy. Updates, and the access to vbulletin.org + the board itself is a true bargain.
Join Date: Dec 2005
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It should be Free its only a realy good script.....They could make it free, or they could tone the price of it down.
Last edited by echo_unlimited : 12-28-2005 at 04:02 PM.