vBCredits is the ultimate points system for your vBulletin!
vBCredits v1.4rc1 Available
Freely available to all members of vbcredits.com until the final version is ready to apply here.
This version works with vb 3.7.x so far with only 1 compatibility modification detailed here:
Thank you to everyone who voted us MOTM
Earn Credits a Multitude of Different Ways Based on Usergroup
Induction (registration, promotion, subscription, etc)
Time Standard
Time Activity (logging in, posting, etc)
Number of Days Configurable
Granting Reputation
Getting Positive Reputation
Getting Negative Reputation
Multiply awards by Reputation Given
Creating a New Thread
Deleted Thread
Rating a Thread
Option to multiply by vote
Creating a New Post
Deleted Post
Replying to your own thread
Number of Characters or Words in Post
Amount Updates Upon Post Edit
Option to strip Whitespace and BB Code
Creating a Poll
Voting on a Pol
Referral System
Referrals Verified Daily
By Post Count
By Days Registered
By Reputation
Incentive Credit for Referee
Additive Referral Bonus
Each referral is % extra for all credit awards
Mass Credit Award Tool
Retroactively Award Users based on current settings
Mass award everyone
Set everyone to the same level
Reset everyone to zero
Can be Toggled Off
Set a Service Fee
Transaction Log
Privately List All Donated and Received
Permission to Send Anonymously
Optional Transaction Alert PM
Comments that support BB Code
Ordered by latest received and over multiple pages
Permission to view others' Transaction Logs for moderation
Credits Award
Add or Remove Credits right on the postbit
Also available through profiles
Supports Anonymous, Comments, Transaction Log and PM Alert
Top Biggest Credit Holders
Disable Groups From Display
Override Settings by Forum
Display and Order By Credits on Memberlist
Credits stored as DOUBLE, can be negative or fractional
Set specific number of decimals to display
Display Your Credits in the Navbar
Turn the whole system on and off
Display Credits to Nobody, Everybody, or Privately
Designate groups that can always see it
Third Party Integration (extra/addon/)
ibProArcade - follow the instructions and import file
v3 Arcade - follow the instructions and import file
vBookie - import product-credits_bookie.xml
ICash / IBank / IShop - set 'money row' to 'credits'
P3tz - set Points Table and Field to below values
[AJAX] Post Thank You Hack - import product-credits_post_thanks.xml
Inferno Quiz - unzip quiz_integration.zip and follow instructions.
Living Avatars - follow Living Avatars Instructions.txt
Use TABLE: user COLUMN: credits
More Coming Soon!
Convert From Other Points Hacks (extra/convert/)
vbBux / vbPlaza - upload to ACP and run vbbuxplaza_to_vbcredits.php
ICash - import product-credits_icash.xml
Nexia's Points System - upload to ACP and run nexia_to_vbcredits.php
vBPoints - import product-credits_vbpoints.xml
Gold! - import product-credits_gold.xml
More Coming Soon!
Fully Phrased
Complete Admin Help
WOL Location
Supports $template_hooks
Includes hooks
Uses bitfields and the datastore
Maintains sessions
Includes TMS Support
No File Edits
Demo vBCredits and more at
www.vbcredits.com Test out beta versions and premium addons for free, and make your suggestions in a more structured way!
View Screenshots
Fully integrated with vBulletin and easily integrated with third party scripts:
Upcoming Companion Addons to vBCredits (both as free as vBCredits):
vBCommerce - all purpose itemshop! Sell _anything_!
vBCustomizer - purchase all sorts of forum changes! Preview Demo
Look for them in the near future!
Note: you may or may not need to supply your table prefix with any particular third party script. Also, I am building a list of compatible third party scripts, so please submit them to me if you know of any that allow it, and I'll be able to provide more specific instructions on each.
Want to help out? Tell me ideas you have on:
Additional ways to earn credits
Things to trade your credits in for
Third party scripts that vBCredits can be used with
Installation Instructions:
Download and unzip the attached file, and follow the instructions in Installation.txt
Upgrading Instructions:
Download and unzip the attached file, and follow the instructions in the extras folder, be sure to move chronologically through upgrades you missed.
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