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Спасибо за понимание
i think that there was a server crash yesterday and some of my database got screwed up. i managed to repair the tables and the forum seems to be working fine. however, none of the plugins are working.
i couldnt use the admincp as there's an error loading the left navigation frame. i went into the database directly and VB_setting->"enablehooks" is active (1)
i checked the config.php file and there are no callout to disable plugins.
so i'm stumped....
by the way the error i'm getting in admincp while loading is
Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 167
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 167
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/adminfunctions_navpanel.php on line 170
i tried to use "tools.php" but looks like Nightning didnt nullify it. its asking for Customer Number (3.6.7 PL1)
i think that there was a server crash yesterday and some of my database got screwed up.
Can you restore DataBase backup? Make it so.
And maybe re-upload all forum files .
Originally Posted by odaku
i checked the config.php file and there are no callout to disable plugins.
Try to find this string:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 31
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hey malcolm:
i fixed it...the server crashed just when i was installing a plugin...i also figured that i can just load the right frames of admincp by callin gthe php files directlyand i went to plugin.php to reinstall that crashed plugin.
now everything works great...
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
yeah thats what i was looking for in config.php and i knew about it.