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Ещё раз обращаем Ваше внимание: всё, что Вы скачиваете и устанавливаете на свой форум, Вы устанавливаете исключительно на свой страх и риск.
Сообщество vBSupport'а физически не в состоянии проверять все стили, хаки и нули, выкладываемые пользователями.
Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
Спасибо за понимание
When I had left the vBulletin world, I was in the past the co-author of a little chatbox (shoutbox), very well known in the vBulletin world.
This chatbox had been developed by Svaliotti for vB2 in the past and I had made the porterage and the improvement for vB3.
It is thus normal that in my return in the vBulletin world, I begin by getting down to this hack. Even if several versions of chatbox are already present in the vBulletin world, I said to myself that it would be a good thing to make a made in France.
Naturally, I don't deal with a "copy" version of the other chatbox, I have any coded at the beginning (it was preferable because the front code wasn't so clean any more), and I integrated a good quantity of very interesting features.
History of Features
1.0 : Creation of the first version
MGC Chatbox Options:
Enable/Disable of the Chatbox
Chatbox Height and Widht of the field input
Choose the number of messages in collapsed chatbox and expanded chatbox
Enable/Disable automatic refreshment and you can specify a value of refreshment.
Allow text formatting BBCODE, URL and IMG
You can choose the number of smilies on the menu
Choice of number of smilies that an user can use in his shouts
You can choose the date color of the Chatbox
Display the chatbox on index, in the forums or in the theads
Choose the position of the chatbox on index/forums/threads
Enable/Disable command /me, choice of the command color
Enable/Disable command /team, choice of command color and usergroups who can see and use it
You can specify which usergroups can manage his shouts (delete and edit)
Enable/Disable the display of Chatbox statistics on the index
You can choose the number of days for the automatic deletionession of messages (cron)
You can consult the archives of Chatbox
Choice of the number of messages per page for the archives
Usergroups permissions:
Usergroups who can use the Chatbox
You can specify a number of posts that an user must have to use the Chatbox
Usergroups who can manage his shouts
Banishment of users via the users manager
Enable/Disable the automatic deletion of old messages with the scheduled tasks manager
Automatic sending of a private message to the banned user
You can edit shouts by double-clicking on them in the Chatbox or in archives (AJAX)
Deletion of shouts via a little red cross in archives (AJAX)
Automatic/manual refreshment of Chatbox (AJAX)
Sending shouts without the loading of page (AJAX)
You can download archives in TXT, CSV or XML
Version 1.1:
Fixed bugs:
Enlarge Chatbox when you click on the display of BBCODES (IE)
Problem with the display of smilies (IE)
Display statistics in archives
Automatic parse of url when BBCODE URL is allowed
New features:
Banishment via the Chatbox with 3 new commands : /ban, /deban and /showban)
You can see all banned users with the command /showban
You can ban an user for a specific period (you can lift a ban automatically by a scheduled task)
You can display the Chatbox on a full page (you can specify the full page chatbox height)
Add a chatbox menu in navbar when you enable the display of full page Chatbox
Split of shouts in two tabs: one for the general messages and the other one for shouts /team (use 2 canals)
BBCODE color is now included for the shouts /team
Colors of shouts /me et and shouts date for each style via the CSS
Options in the user profile for the selection of default font, color and size
You can add an announcement at the top of the Chatbox (for rules for example)
Deleted features:
Banishment via the users manager in the admincp
Color of command /team
This hack is very light in term of queries : only one for every recharging / refreshment of the chatbox and 4 for the statistics in the load of the page.
Read the file "Installation" in the pack.
Once the installation was ended, go in usergroups and edit permissions to see the Chatbox.
By default, no group has access to the chatbox.
This hack is under copyright MGC (Mtor&Grog Corporation) 2007-forever and was developed for vBulletin-Resources.com & vb-hacks.org.
Its redistribution on another forum that vbulletin-ressources.com, vb-hacks.org or vbulletin.org are prohibited without aggreement of the authors!
Evolutions and improvements
This second version of the chatbox is already very complete, but like each product, its evolution depends on all.
Then don't hesitate especially to share your ideas of improvements so that we can improve even more this chatbox.
Several possible problems are explained in the file "Read Me" ;)
Q: I installed the chatbox but it doesn't display
R: Check if you have allowed users (permissions in usergroups)
Q: I see shouts but in the collapsed chatbox
R: You can specify number of shouts in the collapsed chatbox. If you don't want to see it, put "0" for this option.
Q: The chatbox doesn't display below or in the top of one of the pages while in the other position it displays
R: You use a style and it's possible that variables used in templates aren't present. (Read the file "Read Me")
Q: I have a problem with accents in the Chatbox
R: Read the file "Read Me"
Q: How to change the value of color for date and for command /me?
R: When you add additionnal CSS for each style, you can change color in class CSS.
v.0.5 для 3.6.x и для 3.7.x - Скачать вложение из поста #106
Предупреждение: MGC Chatbox Evo не совместим с предедущей версией MGC Chatbox, вы должны сначала удалить MGC Chatbox.
Last edited by Romchik® : 07-05-2008 at 11:13 PM.
Reason: Новая версия - 0.5
Стили и шаблоны -> Управление стилями-> Ваш стиль-> основная таблица CSS -> Дополнительные определения CSS ->
.mgc_cb_date {
color : #555555;
.mgc_cb_me {
color : #FF0000;
В настройках Группы пользователей -> Управление группами пользователей -> ваша группа -> MGC Chatbox Permissions
Устанавлеваем настройки для каждой группы ( долго ломал голову почему нету чата , по умолчанию 100 постов на форуме)
Разрешить использовать Chatbox
Может управлять, своими сообщениями (Удалять или редактировать)
Минимальное количество постов на форуме с которого можно увидеть и писать в Chatbox
Если у кого нестандартный шаб тип как у меня сразу изменяем:
Идем в управление модулями – ищем Affichage forumhome
в нем изменяем $search_text = '$forumhome_markread_script';
на $search_text = '$chatbox_forumhome';
найти $footer
выше добавить $chatbox_forumhome
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Занзибар
Posts: 96
Версия vB: 3.6.4
Опытный 34
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Эх, на русском бы))))))
На доске почёта ...всё с матом, без нравственности и понтов...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: БаМ
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Финт Макс уже занимается переводом. Ждите.
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Занзибар
Posts: 96
Версия vB: 3.6.4
Опытный 34
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ждемс с нетерплячкой)))))
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 34
Lamer -1
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 42
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Knowing 218
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К-хе ловим перевод, забыл сказать что тож делаю.
Русский чат и админка. ели какие неточности говорите.
Обновил перевод, изменил стиль отображения на форуме (дописал табличку верх и низ чата. под свой стиль можно изменить в шаблоне "mgc_chatbox"), добавил правила к чату.
Чат хороший, но заметил одну не хорошую штуку к тексту можно применить только один вид форматирования, например красным и жирным одновременно нельзя сделать.
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 42
Версия vB: 3.7.2
Knowing 218
Репутация в разделе: 214
все нормально с bbcode, просто перед каждым форматированием нужно выделять сообщение,