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for English speaking users:
You may be surprised with restriction of access to the attachments of the forum. The reason is the recent change in vbsupport.org strategy:

- users with reputation < 10 belong to "simple_users" users' group
- if your reputation > 10 then administrator (kerk, Luvilla) can decide to move you into an "improved" group, but only manually

Main idea is to increase motivation of community members to share their ideas and willingness to support to each other. You may write an article for the subject where you are good enough, you may answer questions, you may share vbulletin.com/org content with vbsupport.org users, receiving "thanks" equal your reputation points. We should not only consume, we should produce something.

- you may:
* increase your reputation (doing something useful for another members of community) and being improved
* purchase temporary access to the improved category:
10 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter.
20 $ for 3 months. - this group can download attachments, reputation/posts do not matter + adds eliminated + Inbox capacity increased + files manager increased permissions.

Please contact kerk or Luvilla regarding payments.

- if your reputation will become less then 0, you will be moved into "simple_users" users' group automatically.*
*for temporary groups (pre-paid for 3 months) reputation/posts do not matter.
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Diablos's Avatar
Default AddonChat

Для 3.5 и 3.6

Официальный текст:

Product Info
Name: Official AddonChat Integration Add-On
Product ID: sc7400
Author: AddonInteractive (addonInteractive - Bring Your Site to Life!)
Last Modified: 15 Nov. 2006
Compatibility: vBulletin 3.6.x, vBulletin 3.5.x
Download: Downlod Now

This extension allows you to fully integrate a AddonChat Professional PLUS, Enterprise Java™, or Professional (with Remote Authentication Module) edition Chat Room with your vBulletin 3.6.x forum system, including the ability to authenticate access via your vBulletin forum system, and provide a "Who's Chatting" page list showing who is currently logged into your chat room.

vBulletin 3.6.x or 3.5.x
AddonChat Professional (with Remote Auth. Module), Professional PLUS or Enterprise. Please note that free AddonChat editions are not supported. You may register for an AddonChat account at Java Chat Software - AddonChat.
PHP with allow_url_fopen directive enabled in your php.ini file. This is required to download the Who's Chatting list from AddonChat servers.
Seamless integration between your vBulletin forum and AddonChat
Pop-up and Embedded Chat room link options
Automatic (one minute interval) User's Chatting count updates
Real-Time Who's Chatting list
Display the amount of users within your chat room on your main navbar shown throughout your entire forum
Remote authentication allows you to authenticate access into your chat room based on your vBulletin user database
Automatic user login option
Remote authentication allows you to choose which vBulletin user groups are allowed chat room administrative privileges
Remote functions system allows you to tie in vBulletin forum functions into the AddonChat user list
Uses the vBulletin XML product import architecture, making installation/un-installation easier, requiring no modifications to the code base.
Improves over previous versions by storing Who's Chatting list within it's own MySQL database table
Installation will require between 10 and 15 minutes of your time. Download the supplied ZIP file, and extract it on your personal computer. Open the README.html in your web browser file for full installation instructions. No PHP code modifications are required as this script makes use of the new vBulletin XML Product system.

Support is provided by AddonInteractive for this script provided you have a Professional, Professional PLUS or Enterprise AddonChat account. Read the included instructions for details. Please let us know if you have any problems installing this extension. AddonInteractive does not provide support through this forum.
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Реклама на форуме А что у нас тут интересного? =)
Time Keeper2

Я так понимаю, это один из немногих встроенных чатов, которые не дают большую нагрузку на VPS, в отличие от MGCchatbox, ShoutBox и тому подобным.

Версия для линейки 3.7 и 3.8
Attached Files
File Type: zip product-ac80_37.zip (23.0 KB, 4 views)

Time Keeper2, это замечательно...
но ценность этого вложения в разделе по 3.6 стремится к нулю
почему бы тебе на сделать тему в разделе 3.8.х?
Front-End Developer
Sven's Avatar

Originally Posted by Luvilla View Post
почему бы тебе на сделать тему в разделе 3.8.х
Хак для 3.7.х. (Так в теме на орге указано)

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