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Спасибо за понимание
Info : KOLEBO Vbulletin version : ALL Description : Hello guys, you can request all mods,styles.attachements, hidden post/template modification! Request format: All post only with vbulletin.org links will be entertain here
Please don't use this hack with Time Spent On Board from tnguy3n!
My hack doesn't need any code changes.
The capture function doesn't need any extra query!
This hack adds to the profile:
- the time a user spend on board,
- the count of days a user spend on board,
- the average time he spent a day he has visited (time/day)
- and it shows when it was installed. The date and time is automatically added into the phrase.
More features:
- When you want you can activate the postbit indicator.
- A Statistic site:
- - Shows the time/days spent on board of all users.
- - Top Ten of the user how had spent the most time on board.
- - User sees her own place.
- When an user is invisible only user can see her time which have the rigt to see invisible users.
The time/days capturing starts with the installation. It is not possible to get any time befor the installation, it can't look in the past.
1 Produkt XML (8 plugins, 13 phrasen, 7 templates und 4 template modification)
History: 1.1.3
Again a stats fix.
Small changes in the template changes.
Who's Online display now working.
Small bug corrected in the stats.
The stats where optimized.
Added the statistic.
Included the Postbit addon. 1.0.5
Again a little update for the time capture function. Now it is working without problem.
The time capture function was updatet!
The day capture function was updatet! Now it is working without problem.
Little updates in the code.
Small update in the template changes (When an user is invisible his time/days isn't shown to other user, only user can see their time/days and user who can see invisible people).
First version.
1) Import the product.
2) Make the template changes which you find in the templateedits-timedaysonboard.txt file. (When you have the TMS installed you don't have to make the template changes ... )
3) When you want you can activate the postbit display in "vBulletin Options" -> "Thread Display Options (showthread)".
Update: 1) Import the product and overwrite the old on.
2) Check the template changes and make the new ones.
Sorry for my bad English. When there is something wrong or in bad English than please say it that I can correct it.