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Помните: безопасность Вашего проекта - Ваша забота. Убедительная просьба: при обнаружении уязвимостей или сомнительных кодов обязательно отписывайтесь в теме хака/стиля
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DTO Garage - скрипт для создания гаражей пользователей.
DTO Garage is a free product allowing all members of a site to show off their car, truck, motorcycle or other powersports toy. Site owners can easily adapt the section and subsection titles to suit the attributes to the site's focus. Images are stored locally preventing broken links and over limit displays common with images linked offsite. Drive Thru Online has made upgrading to the paid version of DTO Garage Plus easy, all user data stored in DTO Garage is retained for a seamless transition.
For users, management of their vBulletin garage is conveniently handled through their user control panel. The intuitive user interface encourages even the most challenged to create a compelling Garage. Images are added via a wizard from either the users own computer or a specified URL. Thumbnails are dynamically created with high-resolution images displayed in a navigable Lytebox. Users can designate whether a garage is visible to the rest of the site members or hidden until they have time to polish the information and give it the debut it deserves. Other users can view garages using interactive pop-up menus embedded in each post or through the Garage owner's profile.
продукт хоть и "фри", но линков на производителя там натыкано, маманегорюй
бегло глянул файлы и продукт...
текст в шаблонах вместо фраз
ошибки HTML, типа <!--tr></tr-->
несколько плагинов на одном хуке (), зачем? можно и в один уместить =)
зато установка отбабахана - гут (надо себе такую же сделать =))
сыроват, мдя..
вобщем, буду следить за развитием скрипта =) Оффтоп
Может это просто закомментированные строки на комменатрии?
Честно говоря, купил бы VBGarage, еслиб деньги были. Пока с этим проблема.
Поставлю DTO Garage, буду потиху смотреть - о результатах сообщу ;)
Там, насколько я понял ещё фикс какой-то есть http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showp...5&postcount=74
Posts: n/a
Фикс какой-то к хаку
Originally Posted by Kolbi View Post
I think I have the failure:
Look into the "dto_garage_postbit_userinfo" template there stands: "$dto_garage_popup_menu" but I can?t find this phrase.
Late last night I think I found the cause of the no postbit garage link issue. It appears that something from our source code control worked its way back into the release. Given that I'm currently sitting in a campground in southwestern Colorado I don't have access to our source code control system. I really need to be able to carefully go back through some of the code versions to find where the problem was introduced and then roll the fix back in. In the meantime I've provided a temporary fix in the way of a plugin. To install this do the following:
1. Save the attached file, dto-garage-tempfix.xml, to your desktop
2. Log in to admincp
3. Go to Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager
4. For the DTO Garage Postbit Pop-up Menu click delete and confirm the deletin
5. Go to Plugins & Products > Download/Upload Plugins
6. Under the section "Import Plugin Definitions XML File" select the dto-garage-tempfix.xml file from your desktop and click Import
7. You should now see the Garage link in your postbit
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Беларусь
Posts: 544
Версия vB: 3.8.x
Professional 712
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1.1.1 - July 6, 2009
Fix release
- Correct alignment of Garage/Garage Plus navbar pop-up menu.
- SQL error when rendering Garage postbit links for guest users - no longer attempts to render a link for Guest users.
- Corrected issue for sites using database table prefixes where a SQL error was generated when attempting to insert an image into a garage
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Санкт-Петербург
Posts: 431
Версия vB: 3.8.7
Knowing 246
Репутация в разделе: 224
Эх, жаль нету возможности "аттачить" топик на форуме о всех изменениях, ремонтах, апгрэйдах и т.п.
Тупо showroom, а не гараж ((