vBadvanced Flash Mp3 Player
i did not make the flash file so support is limited. ive tested it in IE7 and FF. this is a very simple and clean xml drivin mp3 player.
you can see it here. i placed it in the bottom of my stats module.
install instructions
download attached zip and unzip on your pc. in the mp3 folder you will 2 files. mp3player.swf and trackinfo.xml, you must upload these in the same directory as your cmps_index.php file (most renamed this file to index.php when installed vbadvanced) this will not work if you dont upload the attached files in the same directory that your vbadvanced index.php is.
example if you installed vbulletin in "forum" folder and vbadvanced in root your files should look like this..
-cmps_index.php or index.php (renamed) <~ we need our new files in same folder as this one
-all your vbulletin files (there is a index.php in this folder, this is your vb forum index.. wrong one)
open up trackinfo xml in cpanal or your ftp.. inside the file the first line says somthing like..
<tracks autoplay="Y" startvolumelevel="50">
by default its set to play when your page is opened. if you wish to not have it play automaticaly change the Y to N.. simple so far
underneath this you will see 10 lines that are somthing like this
<track name="track 1" path="track1.mp3" repeatcount="99" />
i used full paths starting w/ http to the mp3 files.. if you do not use all 10 lines remove the lines your not using. if you want the tracks to loop change 99 to 1...ok we can save this file and move on.
We need to add this to a template. again i added mine to the bottom of my stats module.
admin cp > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > in the drop down choose "EDIT TEMPLATES"
expand vbadvanved cmps templates and open advanced_portal_stats
at the very bottom add
<td class="$bgclass" align="center">
<object classid="clsid
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="93" height="23">
<param name="movie" value="mp3player.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#151515>
<embed src="mp3player.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#151515" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="93" height="23"></embed>
now in my above code notice the #151515 (twice) that is my alt2 css. for my style. you need to change these to match your style or you will have a dark background to your buttons.
optional.. if you want a header above the media player add this to beginning of code above..
<td class="thead">Media Player</td>
when u make changes to this hack you will need to clear your cookies to show new changes like adding new songs. somtimes restarting IE worked and somtimes if you hold ctrl and F5 down at the same time it reloads and works.
good luck.. check out my photo album in the middle "foxy kahlua".. thumbnails that have dynamic pages and i added lightbox to open images. if there is enough interest i mught release the instructions on that too.
im using this on 3.7.beta4 and 3.0 rc2..should work on all versions. sorry if i was too step by step. i dont get on here offen and wanted to be precise for the new vbadvanced users.
Переведите, пожалуйста.